Dresser, Cynthia

The Rainmaker's Dog : International Folktales to Build Communicative Skills / Cynthia Dresser. - New York : St. Martin's Press, 1994. - xvii, 309 p. : ill., maps ; 24 cm.

Includes bibliographical references and index.

"The Rainmaker's Dog is a book of transformation and adventure that will take the reader to different parts of the world, using folktales to build vital communication skills. Guided on this journey by characters from the folktales, students will experience the stories and then discuss and write about characters, solutions, new ideas, and their own experiences. This collection of folktales reflects universal human experiences such as friendship, grief, greed, and cleverness. Rich in cultural information, the stories reach across time and place to touch the reader by providing entertainment and conveying messages that are still relevant today. The stories stimulate discussion of important issues, such as human relationships, values, leadership, and problem solving. Not only will students gain reading experience, they will use the content of the stories to go beyond basic skills and will develop the confidence needed to express themselves appropriately and meaningfully." (Preface, p. vii) CONTENTS:
Acknowledgments Part I PLANNING THE JOURNEY
To the Student
World Map
1. Central Africa
Introduction Exercises Map of Africa
Map Exercises
Folktales and Exercises
[01.] The Man and the Mango Trees / A Bantu Tale
[02.] The Black-Handed Monkey / A Bantu Tale
[03.] The Bat, the Moon, and the Mudballs / A Bantu Tale
[04.] All Things Are Linked / A Lega Tale
[05.] Saved by a Giant / A Bantu Tale
[06.] The Crest and the Hide / A Lega Tale
Comprehensive Exercises
2. West Africa
Map Exercises
Folktales and Exercises
[07.] Anansi's Hat-Shaking Dance / An Ashanti Tale
[08.] The Magic of Kola / A Mandingo Tale
[09.] The Liar's Contest / An Ashanti Tale
[10.] Test of a Friendship / A Yoruba Tale
[11.] Ashoremashika / A Yoruba Tale
[12.] Anansi Steals the Palm Wine / An Ashanti Tale
[13.] The Chief's Knife / A Yoruba Tale
[14.] How to Keep a Cow's Leg / A Yoruba Tale
Comprehensive Exercises
3. East and Southern Africa
Map Exercises
Folktales and Exercises
[15.] The Lion's Share / A Somali Tale
[16.] The Baobab Tree / A Kikuyu Tale from East Africa
[17.] The King of the Frogs / A Luo Tale from Kenya
[18.] Arap Sang and the Cranes / A Tale from Kenya
[19.] Ostrich Fire and Plums / A Tale from the Bushmen
[20.] The Message from the Moon / A Hottentot Tale from South Africa
[21.] Too Much Searching / A Tale from the Tswana of South Africa
Comprehensive Exercises
4. Haiti
Map of Haiti
Map Exercise
Folktales and Exercises
[22.] The King of the Animals
[23.] The One Who Would Not Listen to His Own Dream
[24.] The Chief of the Well
[25.] Owl
[26.] The Case of the Uncooked Eggs
Comprehensive Exercises
5. Aboriginal Australia
Aboriginal Australians
Map of Australia
Map Exercises
Folktales and Exercises
[27.] The Trick of Laughing
[28.] In the Time before Death
[29.] The Forever Moon
[30.] Kweenda Loses His Fire
Comprehensive Exercises
6. Asia
Introduction Map of Asia
Map Exercises
Folktales and Exercises
[31.] Shade for Sale / A Chinese Tale
[32.] The Dried Fish Award / A Tale from Taiwan
[33.] Rabbit Walks on the Sea / A Japanese Tale
[34.] The-Wait-and-See Man / A Tale from the Chinese Han Dynasty
[35.] Destiny Strikes above the Eye / A Tale from Ninth-Century China
[36.] Saved by a Laughing Fish / A Tale from India
[37.] The Sleeping Tree Council / A Tale from Tibet
Comprehensive Exercises
Introduction Exercises Reference Section
Appendix Index Notes on the Author and the Artists

0312067410 (pbk) 031209213X (pbk)


Tales--Cross-cultural studies.
Intercultural communication in folklore--Cross-cultural studies.

GR66 / .D74 1994

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