Smalley, Regina L.
Refining Composition Skills : Academic Writing and Grammar / Regina L. Smalley. - 6th ed. - Boston, MA: Heinle Cengage Learning, 2012. - 406 p. : ill. ; 28 cm.
Includes glossary, index and appendices.
"The new edition of this best-selling series combines comprehensive development and practice in the rhetorical modes while integrating instruction in reading, critical thinking, vocabulary, and grammar.
Refining Composition Skills develops the essay-writing skills needed for success at the college level by thoroughly reviewing and presenting the following rhetorical modes: comparison and contrast, example, classification, process analysis, cause and effect, and argument.
New and Updated in this edition:
"Building Vocabulary" sections provide presentation and practice of vocabulary skills, including: recognizing word forms and collocations, using synonyms and antonyms, and understanding suffixes. Excerpts from the Collins COBUILD Dictionaries enrich vocabulary development.
Editing practice in every chapter focuses students on common writing mistakes and helps develop accuracy.
New and updated readings act as springboards and models for student writing.
Updated grammar instruction and practice students with the tools needed to achieve their writing goals.
A more visual, full-color presentation offers a contemporary and streamlined approach, making it easy to navigate and learn.
Assessment CD-ROM with ExamView allows teachers to create tests and quizzes easily" (Publisher`s website). TABLE OF CONTENTS UNT ONE: THE PARAGRAPH
Chapter 1: The Writing Process
Getting Started
Responding to an Image
Journal Writing
The Process of Writing
Prewriting: Generating Ideas
Asking Wh- Questions
Connect to the Internet
"The new edition of this best-selling series combines comprehensive development and practice in the rhetorical modes while integrating instruction in reading, critical thinking, vocabulary, and grammar.
Refining Composition Skills develops the essay-writing skills needed for success at the college level by thoroughly reviewing and presenting the following rhetorical modes: comparison and contrast, example, classification, process analysis, cause and effect, and argument.
New and Updated in this edition:
"Building Vocabulary" sections provide presentation and practice of vocabulary skills, including: recognizing word forms and collocations, using synonyms and antonyms, and understanding suffixes. Excerpts from the Collins COBUILD Dictionaries enrich vocabulary development.
Editing practice in every chapter focuses students on common writing mistakes and helps develop accuracy.
New and updated readings act as springboards and models for student writing.
Updated grammar instruction and practice students with the tools needed to achieve their writing goals.
A more visual, full-color presentation offers a contemporary and streamlined approach, making it easy to navigate and learn.
Assessment CD-ROM with ExamView allows teachers to create tests and quizzes easily" (Publisher`s website). Unit One: The Paragraph
Chapter 1: The Writing Process
Getting Started
Responding to an Image
Journal Writing
The Process of Writing
Prewriting: Generating Ideas
Asking Wh- Questions
Connect to the Internet
Chapter 2: Introduction to the Paragraph
Getting Started
Responding to an Image
Journal Writing
Writing: Introduction to the Paragraph
The Paragraph
Narrowing the Topic
Connect to the Internet
The Topic Sentence
Focusing the Topic Sentence
Placing the Topic Sentence
Formulating the Topic Sentence
Composition Skills
Sentence Parts
Run-On Sentences and Comma Splices
Final Writing Assignment
Assignments from the Disciplines
Chapter 3: The Narrative Paragraph; Personal Reflections
Getting Started
Responding to an Image
Journal Writing
Reading and Vocabulary
Readings: Personal Reflections
Reading 1: From "My American Journey" by Colin Powell
Reading 2: "The Best Part" by Mary Kay Mackin
Reading 3: "The Struggle to be an All-American Girl" by Elizabeth Wong
Building Vocabulary: Guessing Meaning from Context
Writing: Narration
Present Narration
Past Narration
Connect to the Internet
Composition to the Internet
Adverbal Expressions of Time and Sequence
Refining Grammar Skills: Adverbials of Time and Sequence, Prepositions in Time Expressions, Adverb Clauses of Timme, The Simple Past, the Past Progressive, and the Past Perfect
Final Writing Assignement
Assignement from the Disciplines
Chapter 4: "The Descriptive Paragraph: Important People, Important Places"
Getting Started
Responding to an Image
Journal Writing
Reading and Vocabualry
Readings: Important People, Important Places
Reading 1: "Uncle Kwok" by Jade Snow Wong
Reading 2: From "Beyond the Sun" by Tom Huth
Building Vocabulary: Using Similes and Metaphors
Writing: Description
Describing a Place
Connect to the Internet
Describing a Person
Composition Skills
Advebrs of Place
Modifying with Specific Details
Adjective Clauses
Refining Grammar Skills: Order of Adjectives, Participal Adjectives, Prepositional Phrases of Place, The Simple Present Tense vs. The Present Progressive
Chapter 5: "The Expository Paragraph: Media and Entertainment"
Getting Started
Responding to an Image
Journal Writing
Reading and Vocabulary
Readings: Media and Enterainment
Reading 1: "Jackie Chan" by Lee Server
Reading 2: "No Funny Businness
Building Vocabulary: Learning Word Forms
Witing: Exposition
The Topic Sentence in an Expositary Paragraph
Supporting a Gneralization
Specific Details
Illustrations and Anecdotes
Connect to the Internet
Composition Skills
Organization of Deatils and Examples
Order of Importance: Saving the Best for Last
Order of Familiarity: From the More Familiar to the Less Familiar
Order of Time: From the Past to the Present
Transitional Words and Phrases
Refining Grammar Skills: Definite and Indefinite Articles, The Present Perfect vs. The Simple Past
Final Writing Assignment
Assignments from the Discplines
Unit Two The Essay
Chapter 6 "Introduction to the Esasy"
Getting Started
Responding to an Image
Journal Writing
Writing: introduction to the Essay
The Thesis Statement
The Introduction
The Funnel Approach
The Developmental Paragraphs
Breaking Down a Topic
Drafting the Body of the Essay
The Conclusion
Composition Skills
Connect to the Internet
Final Writing Assignment
Assignments from the Disciplines
Chapter 7 "The Example Essay: The Power of Culture and Language"
Getting Started
Responding to an Image
Journal Writing
Reading and Vocabulary
Readings: The Power of Cultur and Language
Reading 1: "How Unwritten Rules Circumscribe Our Lives" by Bob Greene
Reading 2: "Americanization Is Though on Macho" by Rose Del Castillo Guilbault
Building Vocabulary: Understanding Connotation and Denotation
Connect to the Internet
Writing Exemplification
Number of Examples
Choosing Fair Examples
Making Examples Complete
Composition Skills
Orgazination of Examples
Transitions to Introduce Examples
Repeating Key Words and Phrases
Refining Grammar Skills: Noun Clauses, Gerunds and Infinitives
Final Writting Assignments
Assignments form the Disciplines
Chapter 8: "The Comparison and Contarst Essay: Styles and Communication"
Getting Started
Responding to an Image
Journal Writing
Reading and Vocabulary
Reading: Styles of Communication
Reading 1: "Conversational Ballgames" by Nancy Masterson Sakamoti
Reading 2: "Home Ground, Schoolyard: A Double Life" by Daria Muse
Building Vocabulary: Learning Synonyms and Antonyms
Writing: Comparison and Contrast
Point of Comparison
Emphasis on Comparison or Contrast
Patterns of Organization
Pattern A (Point-by-Point)
Pattern B (All of One/All of the Other)
Using the Two Patterns of Comparison and Contrast in Essays
Composition Skills
Transitions for Comparison and Contrast
Connect to the Internet
Refining Grammar Skills: Adverb Clauses of Comparison, Contrast, and Concession; Comparative Forms
Final Writing Assignment
Assigment from the Discplines
Chapter 9: "The Classification Essay: Marketing and Advertising"
Getting Started
Responding to an Image
Journal Writing
Reading and Vocabulary
Readings: Marketing and Advertising
Reading: "The Marketing Mix" by William Pride and O.C. Ferrell
Reading 2: "Motivation" by Charles Lamb Jr., Joseph Hair Jr., and Carl McDaniel
Building Vocabulary: Recognizing Negative Prefixes
Writing: Classifying
Principles of Classification
Making the Classification Complete
Connect to the Internet
Organizing the Classification Essay
Introducing Categories
Composition Skills
Introductory Paragraphs
The Turnabout
Transitions for Classification
Refining Grammar Skills: Adjective Clauses, Correlative Conjunctions
Final Writing Assignment
Assigment from the Discplines
Chapter 10: "The Process Analysis Essay: Success!"
Getting Started
Responding to an Image
Journal Writing
Reading and Vocabulary
Readings: Success!
Reading 1: "Ways ro Change a Habit " by Dave Ellis
Reading 2: "The Environmental Transformation of Chattanooga, Tennessee" by G. Tyler Miller and Scott E. Spoolman
Building Vocabulary: Differentiating Multiple Meanings of a Word
Writing: Process Analysis
Planning the Process Analysis Essay
Connect to the Internet
Organizing the Process Analysis Essay
Composition Skills
Introductory Paragraphs
The Dramatic Entrance
Patricipal Phrases and Adverb Clauses
Refining Grammar Skills: Adverb Clauses of Purpose, Adverb Clauses Reduced to Patriciple Phrases, Real Conditionals
Final Writing Assignment
Assigment from the Discplines
Chapter 11: "The Cause-and-Effect Essay: Academic Achievement"
Getting Started
Responding to an Image
Journal Writing
Reading and Vocabulary
Readings: Academic Achievement
Reading 1: "Surfing`s Up and Grade Are Down" by Rene Sanchez
Readin 2: "The Growth of Early Childhood Education" by Eva L. Essa
Building Vocabulary: Understanding Phrasal Verbs
Writing: Cause and Effect
Multiple Causes with a singlet Effect
Organizing the Casual Analysis Essay
The Thesis Statement for the Causal Analysis Essay
The Causal Chain
Introductory Paragraph: The Revelant Quotation
Composition Skills
Transitions and Expressions for Cause and Effect
Refining Grammar Skills: Articles with Quantifiers, Articles with Count and Noncount Nouns, Adverb Clauses of Cause and Result, Unreal Conditions
Final Writing Assignment
Assigment from the Discplines
Chapter 12: "The Argumentative Essay: Educational Excellence"
Getting Started
Responding to an Image
Journal Writing
Reading and Vocabulary
Reading: Educational Excellence
Reading 1: "The Excellent Inevitability of Online Courses" by Margaret Brooks
Reading 2: "Let`s Put the Excellence Back in the A" by Elliott Miles
Writing Argumentation
The Argumentative Thesis: Taking a Stand
The Opposition: Knowing What You Are Up Against
Supporting Your Points and Explaining Reasons
Refuting and Conceding the Opposition
Organizing the Argumentative Essay
Composition Skills
The Introductory Paragraph
The Concluding Paragraph
Coherance Review
Refining Grammar Skills: Noun Clauses in Inderect Speech, Passive Voice
Final Writing Assignment
Assigment from the Discplines
English language--Academic writing
Writing skills--Studying and teaching
Rhetoric--Problems and exercises.
Refining Composition Skills : Academic Writing and Grammar / Regina L. Smalley. - 6th ed. - Boston, MA: Heinle Cengage Learning, 2012. - 406 p. : ill. ; 28 cm.
Includes glossary, index and appendices.
"The new edition of this best-selling series combines comprehensive development and practice in the rhetorical modes while integrating instruction in reading, critical thinking, vocabulary, and grammar.
Refining Composition Skills develops the essay-writing skills needed for success at the college level by thoroughly reviewing and presenting the following rhetorical modes: comparison and contrast, example, classification, process analysis, cause and effect, and argument.
New and Updated in this edition:
"Building Vocabulary" sections provide presentation and practice of vocabulary skills, including: recognizing word forms and collocations, using synonyms and antonyms, and understanding suffixes. Excerpts from the Collins COBUILD Dictionaries enrich vocabulary development.
Editing practice in every chapter focuses students on common writing mistakes and helps develop accuracy.
New and updated readings act as springboards and models for student writing.
Updated grammar instruction and practice students with the tools needed to achieve their writing goals.
A more visual, full-color presentation offers a contemporary and streamlined approach, making it easy to navigate and learn.
Assessment CD-ROM with ExamView allows teachers to create tests and quizzes easily" (Publisher`s website). TABLE OF CONTENTS UNT ONE: THE PARAGRAPH
Chapter 1: The Writing Process
Getting Started
Responding to an Image
Journal Writing
The Process of Writing
Prewriting: Generating Ideas
Asking Wh- Questions
Connect to the Internet
"The new edition of this best-selling series combines comprehensive development and practice in the rhetorical modes while integrating instruction in reading, critical thinking, vocabulary, and grammar.
Refining Composition Skills develops the essay-writing skills needed for success at the college level by thoroughly reviewing and presenting the following rhetorical modes: comparison and contrast, example, classification, process analysis, cause and effect, and argument.
New and Updated in this edition:
"Building Vocabulary" sections provide presentation and practice of vocabulary skills, including: recognizing word forms and collocations, using synonyms and antonyms, and understanding suffixes. Excerpts from the Collins COBUILD Dictionaries enrich vocabulary development.
Editing practice in every chapter focuses students on common writing mistakes and helps develop accuracy.
New and updated readings act as springboards and models for student writing.
Updated grammar instruction and practice students with the tools needed to achieve their writing goals.
A more visual, full-color presentation offers a contemporary and streamlined approach, making it easy to navigate and learn.
Assessment CD-ROM with ExamView allows teachers to create tests and quizzes easily" (Publisher`s website). Unit One: The Paragraph
Chapter 1: The Writing Process
Getting Started
Responding to an Image
Journal Writing
The Process of Writing
Prewriting: Generating Ideas
Asking Wh- Questions
Connect to the Internet
Chapter 2: Introduction to the Paragraph
Getting Started
Responding to an Image
Journal Writing
Writing: Introduction to the Paragraph
The Paragraph
Narrowing the Topic
Connect to the Internet
The Topic Sentence
Focusing the Topic Sentence
Placing the Topic Sentence
Formulating the Topic Sentence
Composition Skills
Sentence Parts
Run-On Sentences and Comma Splices
Final Writing Assignment
Assignments from the Disciplines
Chapter 3: The Narrative Paragraph; Personal Reflections
Getting Started
Responding to an Image
Journal Writing
Reading and Vocabulary
Readings: Personal Reflections
Reading 1: From "My American Journey" by Colin Powell
Reading 2: "The Best Part" by Mary Kay Mackin
Reading 3: "The Struggle to be an All-American Girl" by Elizabeth Wong
Building Vocabulary: Guessing Meaning from Context
Writing: Narration
Present Narration
Past Narration
Connect to the Internet
Composition to the Internet
Adverbal Expressions of Time and Sequence
Refining Grammar Skills: Adverbials of Time and Sequence, Prepositions in Time Expressions, Adverb Clauses of Timme, The Simple Past, the Past Progressive, and the Past Perfect
Final Writing Assignement
Assignement from the Disciplines
Chapter 4: "The Descriptive Paragraph: Important People, Important Places"
Getting Started
Responding to an Image
Journal Writing
Reading and Vocabualry
Readings: Important People, Important Places
Reading 1: "Uncle Kwok" by Jade Snow Wong
Reading 2: From "Beyond the Sun" by Tom Huth
Building Vocabulary: Using Similes and Metaphors
Writing: Description
Describing a Place
Connect to the Internet
Describing a Person
Composition Skills
Advebrs of Place
Modifying with Specific Details
Adjective Clauses
Refining Grammar Skills: Order of Adjectives, Participal Adjectives, Prepositional Phrases of Place, The Simple Present Tense vs. The Present Progressive
Chapter 5: "The Expository Paragraph: Media and Entertainment"
Getting Started
Responding to an Image
Journal Writing
Reading and Vocabulary
Readings: Media and Enterainment
Reading 1: "Jackie Chan" by Lee Server
Reading 2: "No Funny Businness
Building Vocabulary: Learning Word Forms
Witing: Exposition
The Topic Sentence in an Expositary Paragraph
Supporting a Gneralization
Specific Details
Illustrations and Anecdotes
Connect to the Internet
Composition Skills
Organization of Deatils and Examples
Order of Importance: Saving the Best for Last
Order of Familiarity: From the More Familiar to the Less Familiar
Order of Time: From the Past to the Present
Transitional Words and Phrases
Refining Grammar Skills: Definite and Indefinite Articles, The Present Perfect vs. The Simple Past
Final Writing Assignment
Assignments from the Discplines
Unit Two The Essay
Chapter 6 "Introduction to the Esasy"
Getting Started
Responding to an Image
Journal Writing
Writing: introduction to the Essay
The Thesis Statement
The Introduction
The Funnel Approach
The Developmental Paragraphs
Breaking Down a Topic
Drafting the Body of the Essay
The Conclusion
Composition Skills
Connect to the Internet
Final Writing Assignment
Assignments from the Disciplines
Chapter 7 "The Example Essay: The Power of Culture and Language"
Getting Started
Responding to an Image
Journal Writing
Reading and Vocabulary
Readings: The Power of Cultur and Language
Reading 1: "How Unwritten Rules Circumscribe Our Lives" by Bob Greene
Reading 2: "Americanization Is Though on Macho" by Rose Del Castillo Guilbault
Building Vocabulary: Understanding Connotation and Denotation
Connect to the Internet
Writing Exemplification
Number of Examples
Choosing Fair Examples
Making Examples Complete
Composition Skills
Orgazination of Examples
Transitions to Introduce Examples
Repeating Key Words and Phrases
Refining Grammar Skills: Noun Clauses, Gerunds and Infinitives
Final Writting Assignments
Assignments form the Disciplines
Chapter 8: "The Comparison and Contarst Essay: Styles and Communication"
Getting Started
Responding to an Image
Journal Writing
Reading and Vocabulary
Reading: Styles of Communication
Reading 1: "Conversational Ballgames" by Nancy Masterson Sakamoti
Reading 2: "Home Ground, Schoolyard: A Double Life" by Daria Muse
Building Vocabulary: Learning Synonyms and Antonyms
Writing: Comparison and Contrast
Point of Comparison
Emphasis on Comparison or Contrast
Patterns of Organization
Pattern A (Point-by-Point)
Pattern B (All of One/All of the Other)
Using the Two Patterns of Comparison and Contrast in Essays
Composition Skills
Transitions for Comparison and Contrast
Connect to the Internet
Refining Grammar Skills: Adverb Clauses of Comparison, Contrast, and Concession; Comparative Forms
Final Writing Assignment
Assigment from the Discplines
Chapter 9: "The Classification Essay: Marketing and Advertising"
Getting Started
Responding to an Image
Journal Writing
Reading and Vocabulary
Readings: Marketing and Advertising
Reading: "The Marketing Mix" by William Pride and O.C. Ferrell
Reading 2: "Motivation" by Charles Lamb Jr., Joseph Hair Jr., and Carl McDaniel
Building Vocabulary: Recognizing Negative Prefixes
Writing: Classifying
Principles of Classification
Making the Classification Complete
Connect to the Internet
Organizing the Classification Essay
Introducing Categories
Composition Skills
Introductory Paragraphs
The Turnabout
Transitions for Classification
Refining Grammar Skills: Adjective Clauses, Correlative Conjunctions
Final Writing Assignment
Assigment from the Discplines
Chapter 10: "The Process Analysis Essay: Success!"
Getting Started
Responding to an Image
Journal Writing
Reading and Vocabulary
Readings: Success!
Reading 1: "Ways ro Change a Habit " by Dave Ellis
Reading 2: "The Environmental Transformation of Chattanooga, Tennessee" by G. Tyler Miller and Scott E. Spoolman
Building Vocabulary: Differentiating Multiple Meanings of a Word
Writing: Process Analysis
Planning the Process Analysis Essay
Connect to the Internet
Organizing the Process Analysis Essay
Composition Skills
Introductory Paragraphs
The Dramatic Entrance
Patricipal Phrases and Adverb Clauses
Refining Grammar Skills: Adverb Clauses of Purpose, Adverb Clauses Reduced to Patriciple Phrases, Real Conditionals
Final Writing Assignment
Assigment from the Discplines
Chapter 11: "The Cause-and-Effect Essay: Academic Achievement"
Getting Started
Responding to an Image
Journal Writing
Reading and Vocabulary
Readings: Academic Achievement
Reading 1: "Surfing`s Up and Grade Are Down" by Rene Sanchez
Readin 2: "The Growth of Early Childhood Education" by Eva L. Essa
Building Vocabulary: Understanding Phrasal Verbs
Writing: Cause and Effect
Multiple Causes with a singlet Effect
Organizing the Casual Analysis Essay
The Thesis Statement for the Causal Analysis Essay
The Causal Chain
Introductory Paragraph: The Revelant Quotation
Composition Skills
Transitions and Expressions for Cause and Effect
Refining Grammar Skills: Articles with Quantifiers, Articles with Count and Noncount Nouns, Adverb Clauses of Cause and Result, Unreal Conditions
Final Writing Assignment
Assigment from the Discplines
Chapter 12: "The Argumentative Essay: Educational Excellence"
Getting Started
Responding to an Image
Journal Writing
Reading and Vocabulary
Reading: Educational Excellence
Reading 1: "The Excellent Inevitability of Online Courses" by Margaret Brooks
Reading 2: "Let`s Put the Excellence Back in the A" by Elliott Miles
Writing Argumentation
The Argumentative Thesis: Taking a Stand
The Opposition: Knowing What You Are Up Against
Supporting Your Points and Explaining Reasons
Refuting and Conceding the Opposition
Organizing the Argumentative Essay
Composition Skills
The Introductory Paragraph
The Concluding Paragraph
Coherance Review
Refining Grammar Skills: Noun Clauses in Inderect Speech, Passive Voice
Final Writing Assignment
Assigment from the Discplines
English language--Academic writing
Writing skills--Studying and teaching
Rhetoric--Problems and exercises.