Strong, Gregory, 1956-

Battle for Big Tree Country / Gregory Strong ; series editors: Rob Waring and Sue Leather ; series story consultant: Julian Thomlinson ; story editor: Sue Leather. - 86 pages : ill. (b and w) ; 21 cm. - Page Turner.Level 11. .

"High Intermediate ; CEF: B2 ; Genre: Human Interest/Drama ; Length: 16,263 words ; 2200 headwords: Level 11." --Page 4 of cover.

People in this story Chapter 1 :The thin line Chapter 2: A family conflict Chapter 3: The runners Chapter 4: Alone at the top Chapter 5: Surrounded Chapter 6: Saved Chapter 7: The warning Chapter 8: Storm Chapter 9:The good news Chapter 10: Magic is attacked Chapter 11: Forest forever Review Chapters 1-4 Review Chapters 5-8 Review Chapters 9-11 Answer Key Background reading Spotlight on -- Old growth forests Glossary

When some of the tallest, oldest trees in the world are threatened by logging, nineteen-year-old Gail Klutesi, a Native Canadian from the Nuu-chah-nulth band, knows that she can't just stand by and watch. When Gail's protest group is broken up by the police, she makes a sudden decision that might change everything (Book Cover).

9781424048861 (pbk) 1424048869 (pbk)

Readers for new literates.
Reading comprehension--Problems, exercises, etc.
Forest protection--Fiction.
Plants, Protection of--Fiction.
Tree felling--Fiction.

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