Myers, Mary, 1948-

Teaching to Diversity : Teaching and Learning in the Multi-Ethnic Classroom / Mary Myers. - Toronto, ON : Irwin Pub., 1993. - vi, 123, [15] p. : ill. ; 28 cm.

Includes bibliographical references: p. 114-122.

Introduction CHAPTER 1: Immigrant Children and Language Acquisition CHAPTER 2: First Languages: Help or Hindrance?
CHAPTER 3: Language Teaching and Learning CHAPTER 4: Talking and Learning CHAPTER 5: Active Learning CHAPTER 6: Integrated Language Learning CHAPTER 7: Student Publishing CHAPTER 8: Cooperative Learning CHAPTER 9: What To Do When They Arive Brand New? CHAPTER 10: Education for a Global Perspective Bibliography

"In Teaching to Diversity, the author draws on extensive research on first- and second-language acquisition and on her own years as an ESL and classroom teacher and her work in Refugee Reception Centres. She examines current approaches and practices in refugee and immigrant education as well as in successful integrated, or mainstream, ESL programs. Comprehensive, practical, and supportive of teachers, Teaching to Diversity offers a sound, well-developed theoretical base and a thorough overview of methodology in an easy-to-read fashion; includes practical, innovative classroom-tested strategies and ideas for implementing active learning, integrated language teaching, writing process, student publishing, and cooperative learning; provides detailed suggestions for "What to do when ESL students arrive brand new"; addresses many issues that challenge teachers on a daily basis; suggests appropriate language and literacy programs for second-language learners while at the same time offering a quality program for all students; provides blackline masters for teacher and student use, including excellent classroom teacher's strategy lists for enhancing second-language acquisition; Teaching to Diversity's wide range of applicability makes it an invaluable resource for classroom and ESL teachers as well as those planning and delivering in-service to teachers." (Book Cover)

0772519587 (pbk)

English language--Study and teaching (Elementary)--Foreign speakers.


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