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Grammar Practice for Elementary Students : with key / Bright Viney ; with Elaine Walker and Steve Elsworth.

Par : Viney, Brigit.
Collaborateur(s) : Elsworth, Steve, 1952- | Walker, Elaine.
Collection : Grammar Practice. Éditeur : Harlow, UK : Pearson Longman, 2007Édition : 3rd ed.Description :192 p. : ill. ; 25 cm. + 1 enclosed CD-ROM (4 3/4 in.).ISBN : 9781405852944 (Student Book).Sujet(s) : English language -- Grammar -- Problems, exercises, etc | Classification CDD :428.2 Ressources en ligne : Publisher's Website. | Check the Ottawa Public Library (OPL) catalogue.
Dépouillement complet :
''The popular Grammar practice series has been thoroughly revised and updated. With a focus on context and communication, the 3rd EDITION helps learners make the leap from practice to production more easily.
Key features: short, clear and simple grammar explanations appropriate to the level a wide variety of interesting and stimulating exercises write-in space on the page detailed contents page and grammar index
New in this edition revised syllabus linked to the Council of Europe framework vocabulary sections, including phrasal verbs and word formation regular checks to review understanding and progress further practice, Checks and tests on the interactive CD-ROM useful appendices, including spelling rules, verb patterns, lists of dependent prepositions and phrasal verbs'' (Book Cover)
Nouns, pronouns and determiners
1. book, books -- Singular and plural nouns
2. a banana, an orange -- Indefinite article
3. a DVD, the DVD -- Definite and indefinite article (1)
4. a glass, water -- countable and uncountable nouns
5. a/ an, some, any, no
6. a bar of chocolate, a loaf of bread -- counting uncountable nouns
7. many, much, more
8. a few, a little, a lot of / lots of
9. all, very
Check 1. Nouns and determiners
10. I, me -- subject and object pronouns
11. my, your -- Possessive adjectives
12. Sarah's bag -- Possessive's (1)
13. the end of the road, the car keys -- Other possessives
14. mine, yours -- Possessive pronouns
15. this, that, these, those -- Demonstrative pronouns
16. It's Tom's -- Possessive's (2)
17. one, ones
18. something, everything -- Indefinite pronouns (1)
19. anything, nothing -- Indefinite pronouns (2)
Check 2 Pronouns and possessives
20. a shirt, the shirt -- Definite and indefinite article (2)
21. a shop, the post office -- Definite and indefinite articles (3)
22. a good book, the piano, tennis -- Definite, indefinite and zero article
Check 3 Articles
Adjectives and Adverbs
23. small, expensive -- Adjectives
24. smaller than, more expensive than -- Comparative adjectives
25. the smallest, the most expensive -- Superlative adjectives
26. smaller than, the smallest -- Comparative and superlative adjectives
27. a nice blue shirt -- Order of adjectives
28. Slow, slowly -- Adverbs of manner
29. more slowly, the most slowly -- Comparative and superlative adverbs
30. too small, not big enough -- too and enough
31. always, never -- Adverbs of frequency
Check 4 Adjectives and adverbs
32. I'm Sam -- Present simple of be
33. I've got a computer -- Present simple of have (got)
34. I live here -- Present simple: affirmative
35. I don't live here -- Present simple: negative
36. Do you live here? -- Present simple: questions
Check 5 Present simple
37. I'm going home -- Present continuous: affirmative
38. She isn't going home / Is she sleeping? -- Present continuous: negative and questions
39. he goes / he's going -- Present simple or present continuous
Check 6 Present simple or present continuous
40. I was late -- Past simple of be
41. I walked to the station -- Past simple: affirmative, regular verbs
42. We went to town -- Past simple: affirmative, irregular verbs
43. I didn't see it. Did you see it? -- Past simple: negative and questions
44. last night, two days ago -- Past simple: time expressions
Check 7 Past simple
45. I was watching TV at six -- Past continuous
46. I was going home when you rang -- Past continuous and past simple
Check 8 past continuous and past simple
47. I've forgotten his name -- Present perfect: form and use
48. I've already told her -- Present perfect with yet, just, already
50. I've known Jack for six months -- Present perfect with for, since
51. He's gone to town. / He went to town yesterday. -- Present perfect and past simple
Check 9 Present perfect
52. I'm going to stay home. be going to
53. I'll come with you. will
54. I'm going to stay / I'll stay -- be going to and will
55. I'm leaving at six -- Present continuous for future
56. The train leaves at ten -- Present simple for future
Check 10 Future forms
57. I can play the guitar -- Ability in the present
58. I could see when I was five -- Ability in the past
59. Can I use the car? -- Permission
60. We must go -- Obligation, prohibition
61. I have to go -- Necessity
Check 11 Modal verbs (1)
62. Can/Could you help me? Requests
63. I'll help you / Shall I help you? -- Offers
64. Let's go to the beach -- Suggestions
65. You should stay -- Advice
66. She may / might be at home -- Possibility
Check 12 Modal verbs
Sentence and Text Structure
67. I like it. It's nice -- Word order in statements
I gave Joe a book / I gave a book to Joe -- Direct and indirect objects
69. Wait here. Don't go -- The imperative
70. There's a CD near the computer. There is/are
71. It's raining -- Uses of it
Check 13 Statements
72. Are you leaving? Yes/no questions
73. When are you leaving? Wh-questions (1)
74. Who did you phone? Wh-questions (2)
75. What's he like? be like
Check 14 Questions
76. Dancing is fun -- -ing forms as subjects of sentences
77. I like dancing -- Verbs followed by -ing form
78. I want to go home -- Verbs followed by to-infinitive
79. I'd like to play / i like playing -- would like + to-infinitive, like+-ing form.
80. I went there to get a book -- Infinitive of purposes
Check 15 -ing forms and infinitives
81. I think that..., I'm sure that...--Verb /adjective + that clause
82. The man who lives next door -- Defining relative clauses
83. the boy by the door -- Identifying people and things
84. and, but, or, because, so -- Sentence linking
85. first, next, then, after that, finally -- Sequencing
86. If I see her, I'll tell her -- The first conditional
87. I'll tell her when I see her -- Future time clauses
Check 16 Clauses
88. at the door, in the kitchen, on the table -- Prepositions of place (1)
89. in front of the lamp, next to the phone -- Prepositions of place (2)
90. from the bus stop to the cinema -- Prepositions of movement
91. on monday, in the morning, during the play, after lunch -- Prepositions of time (2)
Check 17 Prepositions of place, movement and time
93. at home, in bed -- Prepositions + noun
94. interested in, good at -- Adjective + prepositions
95. get on, sit down, look out -- Phrasal verbs
Check 18 Prepositions and phrasal verbs
96. interested, interesting -- Adjectives ending in -ed and -ing
97. dirty, comfortable, careful -- Adjective suffixes
98. uncomfortable, impossible -- Negative prefixes
99. a flower shop, a sports centre -- Compound nouns
Check 19 Word formation
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Type de document Site actuel Collection Cote Numéro de copie Statut Notes Date d'échéance Code à barres
Matériaux mélangés Matériaux mélangés CR Julien-Couture RC (Teaching)
General Stacks
Non-fiction GRA GRA (Parcourir l'étagère) 1 (CD-ROM) Disponible CD-ROM is enclosed with the student book. A017187
Matériaux mélangés Matériaux mélangés CR Julien-Couture RC (Teaching)
General Stacks
Non-fiction GRA GRA (Parcourir l'étagère) 1 (Student Book) Disponible CD-ROM is enclosed with the student book. A017186

Includes index.

''The popular Grammar practice series has been thoroughly revised and updated. With a focus on context and communication, the 3rd EDITION helps learners make the leap from practice to production more easily.

Key features: short, clear and simple grammar explanations appropriate to the level a wide variety of interesting and stimulating exercises write-in space on the page detailed contents page and grammar index

New in this edition revised syllabus linked to the Council of Europe framework vocabulary sections, including phrasal verbs and word formation regular checks to review understanding and progress further practice, Checks and tests on the interactive CD-ROM useful appendices, including spelling rules, verb patterns, lists of dependent prepositions and phrasal verbs'' (Book Cover)



Nouns, pronouns and determiners


1. book, books -- Singular and plural nouns

2. a banana, an orange -- Indefinite article

3. a DVD, the DVD -- Definite and indefinite article (1)

4. a glass, water -- countable and uncountable nouns

5. a/ an, some, any, no

6. a bar of chocolate, a loaf of bread -- counting uncountable nouns

7. many, much, more

8. a few, a little, a lot of / lots of

9. all, very

Check 1. Nouns and determiners


10. I, me -- subject and object pronouns

11. my, your -- Possessive adjectives

12. Sarah's bag -- Possessive's (1)

13. the end of the road, the car keys -- Other possessives

14. mine, yours -- Possessive pronouns

15. this, that, these, those -- Demonstrative pronouns

16. It's Tom's -- Possessive's (2)

17. one, ones

18. something, everything -- Indefinite pronouns (1)

19. anything, nothing -- Indefinite pronouns (2)

Check 2 Pronouns and possessives


20. a shirt, the shirt -- Definite and indefinite article (2)

21. a shop, the post office -- Definite and indefinite articles (3)

22. a good book, the piano, tennis -- Definite, indefinite and zero article

Check 3 Articles

Adjectives and Adverbs


23. small, expensive -- Adjectives

24. smaller than, more expensive than -- Comparative adjectives

25. the smallest, the most expensive -- Superlative adjectives

26. smaller than, the smallest -- Comparative and superlative adjectives

27. a nice blue shirt -- Order of adjectives


28. Slow, slowly -- Adverbs of manner

29. more slowly, the most slowly -- Comparative and superlative adverbs

30. too small, not big enough -- too and enough

31. always, never -- Adverbs of frequency

Check 4 Adjectives and adverbs



32. I'm Sam -- Present simple of be

33. I've got a computer -- Present simple of have (got)

34. I live here -- Present simple: affirmative

35. I don't live here -- Present simple: negative

36. Do you live here? -- Present simple: questions

Check 5 Present simple

37. I'm going home -- Present continuous: affirmative

38. She isn't going home / Is she sleeping? -- Present continuous: negative and questions

39. he goes / he's going -- Present simple or present continuous

Check 6 Present simple or present continuous


40. I was late -- Past simple of be

41. I walked to the station -- Past simple: affirmative, regular verbs

42. We went to town -- Past simple: affirmative, irregular verbs

43. I didn't see it. Did you see it? -- Past simple: negative and questions

44. last night, two days ago -- Past simple: time expressions

Check 7 Past simple

45. I was watching TV at six -- Past continuous

46. I was going home when you rang -- Past continuous and past simple

Check 8 past continuous and past simple


47. I've forgotten his name -- Present perfect: form and use

48. I've already told her -- Present perfect with yet, just, already

50. I've known Jack for six months -- Present perfect with for, since

51. He's gone to town. / He went to town yesterday. -- Present perfect and past simple

Check 9 Present perfect


52. I'm going to stay home. be going to

53. I'll come with you. will

54. I'm going to stay / I'll stay -- be going to and will

55. I'm leaving at six -- Present continuous for future

56. The train leaves at ten -- Present simple for future

Check 10 Future forms


57. I can play the guitar -- Ability in the present

58. I could see when I was five -- Ability in the past

59. Can I use the car? -- Permission

60. We must go -- Obligation, prohibition

61. I have to go -- Necessity

Check 11 Modal verbs (1)

62. Can/Could you help me? Requests

63. I'll help you / Shall I help you? -- Offers

64. Let's go to the beach -- Suggestions

65. You should stay -- Advice

66. She may / might be at home -- Possibility

Check 12 Modal verbs

Sentence and Text Structure


67. I like it. It's nice -- Word order in statements

I gave Joe a book / I gave a book to Joe -- Direct and indirect objects

69. Wait here. Don't go -- The imperative

70. There's a CD near the computer. There is/are

71. It's raining -- Uses of it

Check 13 Statements


72. Are you leaving? Yes/no questions

73. When are you leaving? Wh-questions (1)

74. Who did you phone? Wh-questions (2)

75. What's he like? be like

Check 14 Questions


76. Dancing is fun -- -ing forms as subjects of sentences

77. I like dancing -- Verbs followed by -ing form

78. I want to go home -- Verbs followed by to-infinitive

79. I'd like to play / i like playing -- would like + to-infinitive, like+-ing form.

80. I went there to get a book -- Infinitive of purposes

Check 15 -ing forms and infinitives


81. I think that..., I'm sure that...--Verb /adjective + that clause


82. The man who lives next door -- Defining relative clauses

83. the boy by the door -- Identifying people and things


84. and, but, or, because, so -- Sentence linking

85. first, next, then, after that, finally -- Sequencing


86. If I see her, I'll tell her -- The first conditional

87. I'll tell her when I see her -- Future time clauses

Check 16 Clauses



88. at the door, in the kitchen, on the table -- Prepositions of place (1)

89. in front of the lamp, next to the phone -- Prepositions of place (2)

90. from the bus stop to the cinema -- Prepositions of movement

91. on monday, in the morning, during the play, after lunch -- Prepositions of time (2)

Check 17 Prepositions of place, movement and time

93. at home, in bed -- Prepositions + noun

94. interested in, good at -- Adjective + prepositions

95. get on, sit down, look out -- Phrasal verbs

Check 18 Prepositions and phrasal verbs


96. interested, interesting -- Adjectives ending in -ed and -ing

97. dirty, comfortable, careful -- Adjective suffixes

98. uncomfortable, impossible -- Negative prefixes

99. a flower shop, a sports centre -- Compound nouns

Check 19 Word formation



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