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Grammar for Writing 1 : An Editing Guide to Writing / Joyce S. Cain.

Par : Cain, Joyce S.
Collaborateur(s) : Cain, Joyce S.
Collection : Grammar for Writing. Éditeur : White Plains, NY : Pearson Education; 2012Édition : 2nd ed.Description :viii, 141 p. : ill. ; 28 cm.ISBN : 0132088983 (Student Book).Titre associé : Grammar for writing one.Sujet(s) : English language -- Grammar -- Problems, exercises, etc | English language -- Rhetoric -- Problems, exercises, etc | Report writing -- Problems, exercises, etcRessources en ligne : Check the Ottawa Public Library (OPL) catalog.
Dépouillement complet :
"Based on the series Eye on editing"--P. [4] of cover.
"Grammar for Writing is a three-level series that provides students with the essential grammar applications they need to become proficient writers." (Publisher's Website)
1. Expressing Present Time
2. Expressing Past Time
3. Subject-Verb Agreement
4. Expressing Future Time
5. Time Shifts and Tenses
6. Count and Uncountable Nouns
7. Articles and Other Determiners
8. Pronouns
9. Modals
10. Sentence Structure and Punctuation
11. Commonly Confused Words
12. Extra Editing Practice
Appendix 1 Practice with Authentic Language
Appendix 2 Irregular Verbs
Appendix 3 Spelling, Capitalization, and Apostrophe Rules
Appendix 4 Prepositions
Appendix 5 Correction symbols
Appendix 6 Editing Log
Appendix 7 Grammar Book References
Appendix 8 Academic Word List
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 Livres Livres CR Julien-Couture RC (Teaching)
General Stacks
Non-fiction INT CAI (Parcourir l'étagère) 1 (Student Book) Disponible A023509

"Based on the series Eye on editing"--P. [4] of cover.

Includes bibliographical references.

"Based on the series Eye on editing"--P. [4] of cover.

"Grammar for Writing is a three-level series that provides students with the essential grammar applications they need to become proficient writers." (Publisher's Website)


1. Expressing Present Time

2. Expressing Past Time

3. Subject-Verb Agreement

4. Expressing Future Time

5. Time Shifts and Tenses

6. Count and Uncountable Nouns

7. Articles and Other Determiners

8. Pronouns

9. Modals

10. Sentence Structure and Punctuation

11. Commonly Confused Words

12. Extra Editing Practice

Appendix 1 Practice with Authentic Language

Appendix 2 Irregular Verbs

Appendix 3 Spelling, Capitalization, and Apostrophe Rules

Appendix 4 Prepositions

Appendix 5 Correction symbols

Appendix 6 Editing Log

Appendix 7 Grammar Book References

Appendix 8 Academic Word List

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