Listening Advantage 1 /
Tom Kenny, Tamami Wada.
- Boston : Thomson Heinle ; 2008.
- 80 p. : col. ill. ; 28 cm. + 1 student audio CD (digital ; 4 3/4 in.)
- Listening Advantage .
Includes Practice Tests. Audio files are available for download on the Publisher's Student Companion Website.
"This new four-level, strategies-based course is designed to improve listening skills through the use of activities and topics that are meaningful to students' lives. Features: Realistic listening passages include social conversations, transactional dialogues, broadcasts, and announcements. 12 easy-to-teach four-page units make Listening Advantage ideal for short courses. "Language Focus" sections raise students' awareness of key grammatical and functional patterns. "Conversation Strategy" sections build active listening strategies such as responding appropriately, showing interest/surprise, and clarifying when you don't understand. Catch It! sections show learners how to break speech down into chunks and listen for stress, intonation, and pronunciation cues. Mid-Book and Final Practice Tests familiarize students with common standardized test formats. Self-study audio CD with accompanying exercises provides additional homework or language lab practice." (Book Cover) CONTENTS: Scope and Sequence Introduction Useful Expressions DAILY LIFE Unit 1 Names and Addresses Lesson A How do you spell that? Lesson B What's your e-mail address? Language/Strategy: Basic Phrases; Showing you're listening Catch it! Spelling out words Unit 2 Numbers Lesson A Can I have your number? Lesson B I'm free on the 14th at 7 o'clock. Language/Strategy: Requesting information; Repeating Catch it! Syllable stress Unit 3 Going Places Lesson A How do you get there? Lesson B What do you do after school? Language/Strategy: Adverbs of frequency; Showing understanding Catch it! Syllable stress PLACES AND THINGS Unit 4 Locations Lesson A Where is it? Lesson B How do you get there? Language/Strategy: Prepositional phrases; Clarifying directions Catch it! Weak forms of prepositions Unit 5 Likes and Dislikes Lesson A What's your favorite? Lesson B Good idea! Language/Strategy: Rejoinders; Showing agreement and disagreement Catch it! Weak forms of would you / do you + like Unit 6 My Stuff Lesson A Nice shirt! Lesson B How much? Language/Strategy: Giving and receiving compliments; Reacting to prices Catch it! Reduced pronouns PEOPLE I KNOW Unit 7 Home Life Lesson A My dad's a salesman. Lesson B Wow, you have a lot of CDs! Language/Strategy: Yes/no questions; Introducing a question with "So, ..." Catch it! Intonation for questions Unit 8 Classmates Lesson A What's he look like? Lesson B Is that in fashion? Language/Strategy: Comparing people; Repeating the question Catch it! Breaking sentences into chunks Unit 9 Best Friends Lesson A Chuck's a really cool guy! Lesson B What's she like? Language/Strategy: like/enjoy + verb; Getting time to think Catch it! The sound /the/ HOPES AND DREAMS Unit 10 Holidays Lesson A Let's go! Lesson B I really like winter! Language/Strategy: Inviting; Returning a question Catch it! What/How about you? Unit 11 Dating Lesson A What kind of guy? Lesson B How about dinner and a movie Language/Strategy: Accepting and refusing invitations; Making suggestions Catch it! Can vs. can't Unit 12 My Future Lesson A I want to be a TV star! Lesson You get three wishes! Language/Strategy: Hope/want + to...; Showing excitement Catch it! Reduced forms of want to and going to Practice Test 2 Introduction to the Self-Study Units Self-Study Units
9781424001750 (text with audio CD) 1424001757 (text with audio CD)
English language--Textbooks for foreign speakers. English language--Spoken English--Problems, exercises, etc. Listening--Problems, exercises, etc. Listening. Beginners.