Total Business 2 /
John Hughes and Paul Dummett.
- London : Boston : Summertown Publishing ; National Geographic Learning, 2010.
- 144 p. : ill. in col. ; 30 cm + 2 audio CDs
- Total Business .
"Total Business is a three-level business English course for pre-work students and business people wishing to improve their English and their employment prospects. It is also suitable for in-company training. The 12 modules are divided into: Business Topics – lessons to teach vocabulary used in the working world Business Skills – lessons to develop essential communication skills Learning Strategies – lessons that focus on language learning in the business context The core lessons offer: Modern, business-related topics to engage students and involve them in the practice of everyday business An integrated grammar syllabus offering extensive functional practice Varied activities and learning strategies to motivate and support students in their studies." (Book Cover) CONTENTS: Module 1 BUSINESS TOPIC 1.1 Working life VOCABULARY: Describing working life READING: Attitudes to work GRAMMAR: Gerund and infinitive LISTENING: The future of human resources VOCABULARY: CVs and personal summaries READING: The anonymous CV BUSINESS SKILLS 1.2 Asking and answering questions LISTENING: An environmental accident GRAMMAR: Indirect questions SPEAKING: A job interview LEARNING STRATEGIES 1.3 READING: Understanding gist Module 2 BUSINESS TOPIC 2.1 Growing the company VOCABULARY: Parts of a company VOCABULARY: Growth strategy READING: SAP competes with ‘organic growth’ GRAMMAR: Past tenses WRITING: Writing about the past READING: Mergers and acquisitions LISTENING: The PeopleSoft takeover WRITING: A press release READING: Organisational culture SPEAKING: An employee survey BUSINESS SKILLS 2.2 Presenting facts LISTENING: Falling shares SPEAKING: Presenting facts LEARNING STRATEGIES 2.3 SPEAKING: Giving personal information
Module 3 BUSINESS TOPIC 3.1 Communication at work VOCABULARY: Means of communication READING: Better communication? GRAMMAR: Verb patterns LISTENING: Dealing with problems SPEAKING: Handling calls sensitively BUSINESS SKILLS 3.2 Email exchange WRITING: Formal and informal emails LEARNING STRATEGIES 3.3 LISTENING: Note-taking
Module 4 BUSINESS TOPIC 4.1 The art of selling VOCABULARY: Selling LISTENING: Sales techniques READING: Advertising trends GRAMMAR: Tenses and time phrases GRAMMAR: Transitive and intransitive verbs SPEAKING: In the field WRITING: A sales report BUSINESS SKILLS 4.2 Presenting figures VOCABULARY: Describing performance LISTENING: A sales forecast SPEAKING: Presenting figures LEARNING STRATEGIES 4.3 WRITING: Describing and explaining graphs
Module 5 BUSINESS TOPIC 5.1 Money and finance VOCABULARY: Money expressions SPEAKING: A bank loan LISTENING: A culture of debt GRAMMAR: Expressions of comparison SPEAKING: Choosing an investment VOCABULARY: Company finance READING: A financial summary BUSINESS SKILLS 5.2 Discussing options VOCABULARY: Business costs LISTENING: Discussing costs SPEAKING: Discussing options and making recommendations LEARNING STRATEGIES 5.3 LISTENING: Monologues
Module 6 BUSINESS TOPIC 6.1 Purchasing power VOCABULARY: Online trading SPEAKING: Managing suppliers READING: How the supermarkets are squeezing their suppliers GRAMMAR: Relative and participial clauses LISTENING: A contract to supply GRAMMAR: Ordering events: tense practice WRITING: A letter of complaint BUSINESS SKILLS 6.2 Telephoning VOCABULARY: Telephone expressions SPEAKING: Problems with orders LEARNING STRATEGIES 6.3 WRITING: Letters, reports and proposals
Module 7 BUSINESS TOPIC 7.1 Managing people VOCABULARY: Managerial qualities LISTENING: Strengths and weaknesses VOCABULARY: Idioms: management problems GRAMMAR: Expressing purpose READING: Management consultants GRAMMAR: Word order: adverbs BUSINESS SKILLS 7.2 Report writing WRITING: A business report VOCABULARY: Linking phrases WRITING: A report on employee training LEARNING STRATEGIES 7.3 Reading: Linking ideas
Module 8 BUSINESS TOPIC 8.1 Being responsible VOCABULARY: Environmental problems READING: Trading pollution quotas GRAMMAR: Use of prepositions with statistics WRITING: Describing a graph VOCABULARY: Corporate social responsibility GRAMMAR: Gerunds and infinitives BUSINESS SKILLS 8.2 Formal meetings VOCABULARY: Business meetings GRAMMAR: Modal verbs SPEAKING: Discussing business ethics LEARNING STRATEGIES 8.3 READING: Vocabulary and collocation
Module 9 BUSINESS TOPIC 9.1 Innovation VOCABULARY: Describing products SPEAKING: Market research GRAMMAR: Collocations: verb + preposition LISTENING: A product presentation READING: Don’t waste your money on innovation LISTENING: Idioms GRAMMAR: would WRITING: A letter in response to a request BUSINESS SKILLS 9.2 Negotiating READING: Getting past no SPEAKING: Business angels: a negotiation LEARNING STRATEGIES 9.3 READING: Interpreting the main ideas
Module 10 BUSINESS TOPIC 10.1 Travel and entertainment VOCABULARY: Business travel LISTENING: A team-building day GRAMMAR: Future forms READING: Events management VOCABULARY: go and get READING: Planning a corporate event SPEAKING: Making a pitch BUSINESS SKILLS 10.2 The language of proposals LISTENING: Taking notes READING: Two proposals WRITING: A proposal for a corporate event LEARNING STRATEGIES 10.3 SPEAKING: Discussing and reaching a decision
Module 11 BUSINESS TOPIC 11.1 The economy VOCABULARY: Economic issues READING: The new philanthropists GRAMMAR: Conditionals (types 1 and 2) SPEAKING: Socio-economic problems READING: Nicaragua? Yes, please! LISTENING: Relocation experiences BUSINESS SKILLS 11.2 Effective writing WRITING: Written business communication WRITING: A delicate letter LEARNING STRATEGIES 11.3 SPEAKING: Presentations
Module 12 BUSINESS TOPIC 12.1 Crossing cultures VOCABULARY: Globalisation READING: Cross-cultural communication READING: Understanding cultural differences GRAMMAR: Speculation READING: China rules LISTENING: Understanding business culture WRITING: A market profile report BUSINESS SKILLS 12.2 Social English VOCABULARY: Conversation starters LISTENING: Small talk; short responses SPEAKING: Social situations LEARNING STRATEGIES 12.3 READING: Proofreading Information files (Student B) Useful expressions Business idioms Listening scripts
9780462098654 (Student's book)
English language--Business English--Textbooks for foreign speakers. English language--Business English--Study and teaching--Foreign speakers. B1 (CEFR). Intermediate.