Beatty, Ken

LEAP 2 : Reading and Writing / Ken Beatty. - New ed. - Montreal : Pearson ERPI, 2019. - 216 p. : ill. ; 28 cm. - LEAP .

Includes a Models Chapter with Essay writing tips and examples.

"Welcome to the new edition of LEAP 2: Reading and Writing. Building on the first edition (LEAP Intermediate), this book aims to improve your reading and writing skills with Academic Word List (AWL) vocabulary, grammar, Academic Survival Skils, and Warm-Up and Final Assignments that let you apply what you learn in individual and personalized ways. There are two new features in LEAP 2: Reading and Writing. Focus on Critical Thinking helps you reflect on what you read to develop strategies that can be applied to writing. The Pearson Global Scale of English (GSE) structures LEAP 2's learning goals to give you a clearer idea of the language objectives you should aim to meet. Each chapter in the book focuses on engaging themes drawn from science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM), as well as education and business fields. Each chapter includes three readings related to the chapter theme, often with divergent perspectives. Most of these readings are authentic and give you the chance to apply your critical thinking skills in pre-reading and follow-up tasks. The readings include a variety of genres that you will encounter in your academic studies, including excerpts from textbooks, journal articles, and reports. The writing component involves different types of paragraphs and other forms, including an essay. To help you better understand each format, the Models Chapter provides clear instructions and examples. Beyond the book, My eLab exercises and documents give you the opportunity to reinforce and build on what you learn. LEAP 2: Reading and Writing will give you the confidence to take the next steps on your path to academic and career success." (Introduction, p. iii) TABLE OF CONTENTS Chapter 1 - SUCCESS IN BUSINESS
SUBJECT AREAS: business, economics Reading 1: Looking for Money
Reading 2: Youth Entrepreneurs
Warm-Up Assignment: Write a Descriptive Paragraph
Reading 3: Crowdfunding: History and Future
Final Assignment: Write Two Descriptive Paragraphs Chapter 2 - THE FUTURE OF WORK
SUBJECT AREAS: business, economics
Reading 1: Will Robots Bring about the End of Work?
Reading 2: Half of All Jobs Today Will Disappear by 2030
Warm-up assignment: Write a Topic Sentence for a Cause and Effect Paragraph
Reading 3: Old and New Job Skills
Final Assignment: Write a Cause and Effect Paragraph
Chapter 3 - FIT FOR LIFE
SUBJECT AREAS: biology, health science
Reading 1: This Is How Important Sleep Is for Your Mental Health
Reading 2: Body Energy: Spending It and Storing It
Warm-up assignment: Compare and Contrasts Two Ways to Keep Fit
Reading 3: Living Forever, Living Well
Final Assignment: Write Compare and Contrast Paragraphs
Chapter 4 - A HAPPY LIFE
SUBJECT AREAS: health science, psychology
Reading 1: Eleven Ways to Walk Away Stress
Reading 2: Take Control of Stress
Warm-up assignment: Write Short Definitions
Reading 3: Defining Happiness
Final assignment: Write a Definition Paragraph
SUBJECT AREAS: innovation, engineering
Reading 1: Avoiding Innovations
Reading 2: The Quirky Secrets of the World's Greatest Innovators
Warm-up assignment: Write a Formal Email
Reading 3: Anyone Can Be an Innovator
Final assignment: Write an Email Request for Information
SUBJECT AREAS: artificial intelligence, technology
Reading 1: Guide to Augmented Reality
Reading 2: How Can Augmented Reality Be Used for Social Good?
Warm-up Assignment: Write a Short Summary
Reading 3: AR + AR = New Life
Final Assignment: Write a Summary
SUBJECT AREAS: computer science, education
Reading 1: To Adapt MOOCs, or Not? That Is No Longer the Question
Reading 2: The SOLE of a Student
Warm-up Assignment: Write a Process Paragraph
Reading 3: Personal Education
Final Assignment: Write a Process Paragraph and Give a Presentation
SUBJECT AREAS: ethics, technology
Reading 1: How Are Today's Biggest Tech Trends Affecting Our Human Rights?
Reading 2: What Is Google's ''Right to Be Forgotten''?
Warm-up assignment: Write an Introductory Essay Paragraph
Reading 3: Private Lives: We Need New Laws
Final Assignment: Write a Persuasive Essay

9782761396622 (Student Book) 2761396626 (Student Book)

PE1065 / .B43 2019