Correcting Common Errors in Writing /
Nancy P. McKee and George E. Kennedy.
- 5th ed.
- Dubuque, IA : Kendall/Hunt Pub., 2009.
- xiii, 137 p. : ill. ; 23 cm
CONTENTS Preface Acknowledgments Introduction Grammar Agreement G.1 Fewer vs. Less (aka Count Nouns vs. Mass Nouns) G.2 Number vs. Amount (aka Count Nouns vs. Mass Nouns) G.3 A Great Deal of (aka Count Nouns vs. Mass Nouns) G.4 Pronoun-Antecedent Agreement G.5 Plural Subject, Plural Objects G.6 Subject-Verb Agreement Pronouns G.7 I or Me, Which Is It? G.8 Myself/Yourself/Herself/Ourselves/Yourselves/Themselves G.9 That/Which/Who/Whom G.10 Who/Whom/Whoever/Whomever Sentences G.11 Sentence Fragments (Something to avoid) G.12 Whereas/Although/Though and As Far As Verbs G.13 -ing Forms G.14 Had vs Would Have and If Clauses G. 15 Might vs May G.16 To Lie (To Recline) vs To Lay (To Place) G. 17 Present Subjunctive and Were vs. Was with If Clauses Other Common Errors G.18 Between-Among G.19 Confusing Prepositional Phrases: Singulars and Plurals G. 20 Consistent Use of Plural G.21 Than Punctuation Apostrophes P.1 Apostrophe Pitfalls P.2 Contraction P.3 Possession P.4 Plural Forms of Years and Other Perfectly Respectable Nouns Colons P.5 Colons in Complicated Sentences P.6 Colons in Simple Lists Commas P.7 Comma Splices (Something To Avoid) P.8 Introductory Phrases and Clauses P.9 Commas with Coordinating Conjunctions P.10 Apposition P.11 Commas in a List Periods P.12 Periods Quotation Marks P.13 When Do You Use Quotation Marks? P.14 Where Does the End Punctuation Go? Semicolons P.15 Semicolons in a Complex List P.16 Semicolons Where You COULD Use Periods Spelling Capitalization S.1 Proper Nouns S.2 Common Nouns S.3 Adjectives That Need To Be Capitalized Other Common Errors S.4 Accustom/Accustomed S.5 Advice/Advise S.6 Affect/Effect S.7 Aisle/Isle S.8 Allusion/Illusion S.9 A lot/Allot/ A Lot S.10 Alright/All Right S.11 Altogether/All Together S.12 Anymore/Any More S.13 A Part/Apart S.14 Asterik/Asterisk S.15 Awhile/ A while S.16 Bare/Bear/Bear S.17 Being that/Since (or Because) S.18 Bias/Biased S.19 Can not/Cannot S.20 Chose/Choose S.21 Coarse/ourse S.22 Defiant/Definate/Definite S.23 Do to/ Due to S.24 Dominant/Dominate S.25 Ect./Etc. S.26 Every Day/Everyday S.27 Except/Accept S.28 Heighth/Height S.29 It's/Its S.30 Lead/Lead/Led S.31 Loose/Lose S.32 Momento/Memento S.33 Moral/Morale S.34 Nonetheless/None the Less/Nevertheless/Never the Less S.35 Noticable/Noticeable S.36 Occurrance/Occurrence S.37 Onetime/ One Time; Sometime/ Some Time S.38 Past/Passed S.39 Populous/Populace S.40 Preform/Perform S.41 Prejudice/Prejudiced S.42 Principal/Principle S.43 Recent/Resent S.44 Recieve/Receive S.45 Recue/Reoccur S.46 Scientist/Scientists S.47 Sight/Site/Cite S.48 Tenant/Tenet S.49 Their/There/They're S.50 Then/Than S.51 Through out/Throughout S.52 Through/Thru/Threw S.53 To/Too/Two S.54 Use To/Used To S.55 Vain, Vein, Vane S.56 Verses/Versus S.57 Where/Were S.58 Who's/Whose S.59 With regards to/With regard to S.60 Woman/Women S.61 Would of/Would Have Usage U.1 Errors and Choices U.2 False Elegance: Pronouns U.3 False Elegance: Empty Expressions U.4 False Elegance: Unnecessarily Fancy Words U.5 Execessively Casual Tone: Terms of Address vs. Terms of Reference U.6 Nouns Used as Other Parts of Speech U.7 Sentences Ending in Prepositions U.8 Split Infinitives U.9 Bring/Take U.10 Enormity/Enormousness: Mistaken Synonyms U.11 Nouns ending in -ee U.12 Different Than/Different From U.13 Disinterested Than/Different From U.14 Infer/Imply U.15 Suppose/Supposed U.16 To try and/To try to U.17 Weird Plurals A Final Word Paragraphing Index