Goldstein, Ben

Evolve 6 : Full Contact with DVD / Evolve : full contact with DVD Ben Goldstein, Ceri Jones, Mari Vargo, Christina de la Mare, Jennifer Farmer, and Noah Schwartzberg. - New York : Cambridge University Press, 2019. - xvi, 161, iv, 73, 101 p. : col. ill. ; 28 cm + 1 CD-ROM - Evolve .

Divided into three parts. Student's book. Video resource book, Rhiannon Ball, Carolyn Clarke Flores, and Noah Schwartzberg. Workbook, Samula Eckstut. DVD in wallet inserted before back page. DVD includes videos referred to in the text. B1+CEFR at foot of cover.

"Welcome to EVOLVE, an innovative American English course for adults and young adults! We’ve drawn extensively on insights from language teaching experts and real students around the world to create a course that covers all skills and will support you and your students with the most effective and efficient ways to make progress in English. INSIGHT FROM STUDENTS: We asked over 2,000 students from all over the world what topics they would like to discuss in English and in what situations they would like to be able to speak more confidently. The ideas are included throughout the Student’s Book, ensuring that EVOLVE is relevant to students’ lives and reflects their realities, thus increasing engagement. Additionally, real students appear in short videos responding to discussion questions. These videos serve as ideas prompts and encourage discussion by giving students something real to react to. These videos also provide more attainable speaking models for students as the students featured in the videos are at the same level as the students using the book. These “peer models” give students confidence that they can achieve something similar, so they’re more likely to engage in the conversation themselves. INSIGHTS FROM TEACHERS: Teachers repeatedly told us that they value professional development opportunities, but they had difficulty fitting professional development into their busy lives. In order to help them discover techniques which will help their students learn, EVOLVE offers a unique integrated development program for teachers. Each unit of the Teacher’s Edition includes the presentation of a professional development technique which the teacher is then guided through how to incorporate in the lesson itself. In addition, there are opportunities for reflection on the technique they have used, and follow-up reading material to consolidate the theory behind the technique." (Publisher's Website) CONTENTS Unit 1 Robot Revolution LEARNING OBJECTIVES: Discuss the potential uses of robots in everyday life -- Talk about developments in artificial intelligence -- Acknowledge arguments and propose counterarguments -- Write an essay about AI in our homes -- Present a proposal for a robot helper
GRAMMAR: Commenting adverbs with future forms -- Future perfect and future continuous
VOCABULARY: Using adverbs to add detail -- Talking about developments in technology
PRONUNCIATION: Listening for contrastive stress -- Saying expressions to show a counterargument
LISTENING: I get what you are saying... - A conversation about the innovations found in a new app
SPEAKING SKILLS: Acknowledge arguments and propose counterarguments
READING: Robotics to the rescue - An article ab out robots and humans working together

WRITING: An essay - Introduce examples -- Organize ideas
SPEAKING: Talk about the tasks best suited to robots -- Discuss what things you would like AI to do in the future -- Offer and support your opinion -- Discuss interesting examples of AI; Time to speak: Present a proposal for a robot helper to address the needs of a particular job Unit 2 The Labels We Live By
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: Discuss assumptions about behavior -- Talk about assumptions related to age -- Compare and discuss similar experiences -- Write a report based on graphs -- Conduct a survey about comsumerism and labels
GRAMMAR: Uses of "will" -- Uses of "would"

VOCABULARY: Describing personality -- Using three-word phrasal verbs

PRONUNCIATION: Listening for the intonation on interactional phrases -- Saying stressed syllables beginning with /p/, /k/, /t/
LISTENING: Same here! -- A conversation about how speaking another language changes the way you interact with the world

SPEAKING: Discuss similar experiences
READING: Read the label -- An article about product labeling on healthy food products
WRITING: A report based on statistics and graphs -- Refer to data in graphs -- Use language for presenting statistical information

SPEAKING: Talk about common types of social media users -- Talk about the right age to do different activities -- Discuss your experience with language learning -- Draw conclusions about consumer trends based on statistics; Time to speak: Do a survey about the importance of labels on shopping behavior; present your results
Unit 3 In Hindsight LEARNING OBJECTIVES: Discuss past actions and their present results -- React to past situations -- Describe a negative experience; offer sympathy and reassurance -- Write a short story based on a set of facts -- Discuss and present an alternate history
GRAMMAR: Variations on past unreal conditionals -- Commenting on the past

VOCABULARY: Thought processes -- Describing emotional reactions
PRONUNCIATION: Listening for weak forms in complex verb phrases -- Using intonation to show emphasis
LISTENING: A complete disaster! -- Two conversations about the same story

SPEAKING SKILLS: Describe bad experiences -- Offer sympathy and reassurance
READING: Too good to be true: New stories about unlikely events

WRITING: An anecdote about a strange coincidence -- Create cohesion with "both, each, neither", etc.

SPEAKING: Talk about different possibilities for events in the past -- Discuss how you might handle different problems -- Create and share the backstory leading up to a bad experience -- Discuss and question whether a story is believable; Time to speak: Talk about how changing one past event could affect the world today
Review 1 (Review of Units 1-3) Unit 4 Close Up
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: Discuss the value of changing perspective -- Talk about how eyes function in humans and animals -- Discuss problems caused by staring at screens -- Write a personal profile statement for a résumé -- Create and present an action plan for a project

GRAMMAR: Quantifiers and prepositions in relative clauses -- Noun clauses with question words

VOCABULARY: Describing things -- Eye idioms and metaphors

PRONUNCIATION: Listening for /t/ between vowels -- Saying the stressed syllable in related words
LISTENING: Look away! A presentation about the effects of screen time on our eyes
SPEAKING SKILLS: Clarify a problem
READING: Attention to detail! A quiz that reveals if you're a big-picture thinker or tend to focus on details
WRITING: A personal profile -- Use initial descriptive prepositional phrases for concise writing

SPEAKING: Talk about the esthetics of close-up imagery -- React to images of animals' eyes -- Discuss what problems can occur because of excessive screen time -- Discuss a personal profile statement; offer suggestions for others -- Time to speak: Create a present an action plan that involves both big-picture and detail-oriented tasks
Unit 5 Remote LEARNING OBJECTIVES: Discuss travelling to remote places -- Comment on loneliness and working in remote places -- Discuss cause and effect -- Write a company profile -- Prepare and present a case for working remotely

GRAMMAR: Participle phrase in initial position -- Reduced relative clauses
VOCABULARY: Describing remote places -- Talking about influences

PRONUNCIATION: Listening for linking between words -- Saying tense and lax vowels
LISTENING: Working from home -- A presentation about current trends in working from home

SPEAKING SKILLS: Signal causes and effects
READING: Remote success story -- A news feature story about a business whose employees work virtually

WRITING: A profile -- Use participle phrases to connect ideas

SPEAKING: Discuss where and how you seek solitude -- Discuss the degree of solitude of different jobs -- Present and discuss ideas about the pros and cons of current topics -- Discuss the chances of success of different companies to operate virtually -- Time to speak: Make a case for working remotely
Unit 6 Surprise, Surprise
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: Discuss shocks and surprises -- Talk about great upset in sports and other contexts -- Discuss the differences between local and global brands -- Write a paragraph drawing from multiple sources -- Prepare a surprise for somebody
GRAMMAR: Clefts -- Question words with -ever

VOCABULARY: Using adverbs to add attitude -- Using the prefixes under- and over-

PRONUNCIATION: Listening for the pronunciation of foreign words and phrases -- Saying clefts

LISTENING: A surprising comeback -- A new feature and interview about business revivals

READING: Jump scare -- Different perspectives on being scared

WRITING: Summary of a text -- Paraphrase without repetition

SPEAKING: Talk about reactions to surprises -- Describe famous upsets -- Compare local and global industries where you live -- Write short summaries on articles about fear -- Time to speak: Plan a surprise for people based on interviews about their interests
Review 2 (Review of Units 4-5) Unit 7 Roots LEARNING OBJECTIVES: Discuss the growing interest in DNA testing and genealogy -- Talk about celebrations in your family and community -- Share a story about visiting a place with special significance -- Summarize information about a topic -- Present a plan to promote a cultural celebration

GRAMMAR: Negative and limiting adverbials -- Fronting adverbials

VOCABULARY: Talking about ancestry -- Talking about customs and traditions
PRONUNCIATION: Listening for missing /t/ and /d/ sounds -- Saying diphthongs

LISTENING: The story of a returnee: An interview with someone who has just returned from her ancestral home

SPEAKING SKILLS: Comment on your own story -- Express an opinion -- Respond to someone else's story

READING: When a language dies -- A graph and text about languages in danger of extinction
WRITING: Summary of a story -- Parallel structures

SPEAKING: Discuss the pros and cons of DNA tests -- Talk about the occasions that bring your family together -- Tell stories about visiting new places -- Synthesize the main points in a story -- Time to speak: Discuss a local festivity and decide the best way to promote it
Unit 8 Short
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: Discuss distractions and attention spans -- Talk about instincts and gut reactions -- Describe the best features and selling points of apps -- Write presentation slides -- Pitch a company, an idea, or a product to investors
GRAMMAR: Phrases with "get" -- Phrases with "as"

VOCABULARY: Talking about attention and distraction -- Expression with "get"

PRONUNCIATION: Listening for long word groups -- Saying primary secondary word stress
LISTENING: It's the app that you need -- A conversation between an app designer and a friend

SPEAKING SKILLS: Speak persuasively about a product

READING: The perfect pitch -- An article about developing a pitch for investors

WRITING: Presentation slides -- Presentation formats

SPEAKING: Talk about the distractions in your life -- Talk about how important instinct is in daily life -- Discuss the apps that make your life easier -- Compare presentation slides -- Time to speak: Present a pitch to investors for an idea or products
Unit 9 Health vs. Modern Life LEARNING OBJECTIVES: Discuss the effects of a sedentary lifestyle -- Suggest ways to establish good sleep habits -- Ask and deflect probing questions -- Write about a clean-water initiative and how it works -- Present and explain choices that you have made for other people

GRAMMAR: Referencing -- Continuous infinitives
VOCABULARY: Discussing health issues -- Discussing (lack of) sleep
PRONUNCIATION: Listening for stressed and unstressed grammar word -- Saying consonant clusters

LISTENING: Clearing the air: An interview with a politician about clean air issues

SPEAKING SKILLS: Ask probing questions -- Buy me to think / deflect questions

READING: A thirsty world: Three short articles about water crises around the world and water charities that address them

WRITING: A short article: Phrases to highlight viewpoint

SPEAKING: Talk about ways to discourage a sedentary lifestyle -- Discuss a sleep plan for different people -- Discuss important local issues in a role-play activity -- Consider strengths and weaknesses of an initiative -- Time to speak: Present choices for other people based on their priorities
Review 3 (Review of Units 7-9) Unit 10 Reinvention
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: Talk about future food options and how likely they are -- Discuss new ways to use natural energy sources -- Discuss the advantages of rethinking daily habits -- Write a summary of a discussion about the new economy -- Present and evaluate an idea for reinventing pet ownership
GRAMMAR: Simple past for unreal situations -- It constructions

VOCABULARY: Discussing global food issues -- Discussing global energy issues

PRONUNCIATION: Listening for sound changes in connected speech -- Saying the /ng/ sound

LISTENING: A life without plastic: A conversation about the challenges and value of going plastic-free

SPEAKING SKILLS: Defend an opinion -- Conclude a turn

READING: What's yours is mine -- Short texts from a forum about new economic models

WRITING: A summary of a discussion -- Avoiding opinion in a summary -- Marking opinion in a summary
SPEAKING: Discuss alternative food options -- Discuss renewable energy -- Debate alternative lifestyle choices that benefit the environment -- Consider the conclusions from a discussion -- Time to speak: Debate the pros and cons of a local initiative
Unit 11 True Colors
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: Discuss the importance of color for businesses -- Talk about color expressions and their meaning -- Respond to questions in different ways -- Write a short opinion essays -- Create a flag for a specific group

GRAMMAR: Subject-verb agreement -- Articles

VOCABULARY: Describing color associations -- Color expressions

PRONUNCIATION: Listening for uncertainty -- Saying vowels before consonants
LISTENING: It tastes like green! -- A Q&A session with two experts on the psychology of color

SPEAKING SKILLS: Respond to questions for different purposes

READING: A sense of identity -- An article on the significance of colors in sports marketing
WRITING: An opinion essay -- Express and support opinions with examples

SPEAKING: Discuss the best color scheme for different products and companies -- Discuss color expressions -- Consider what effect color has on taste expectations -- Discuss the arguments presented by others and offer feedback for improvements -- Time to speak: Discuss and present the characteristics that define a group's identity
Unit 12 Things Change
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: Answer job interview questions about change -- Talk about places that have changed drastically -- Tell a story that you heard from someone else -- Write a review of a movie or book -- Create a structured story from pictures

GRAMMAR: The present subjunctive -- Perfect initiative
VOCABULARY: Talking about change -- Describing change
PRONUNCIATION: Listening for sound changes in colloquial speech -- Reading aloud

LISTENING: "And that's when it all changed!" -- A story about a celebrity impersonator SPEAKING SKILLS: Retell a story -- Refer to the original story -- Skip details
READING: "The next thing you know,..." -- An article about the structure of a successful movie script

WRITING: Movie review -- Write concise descriptions (multi-clause sentences)

SPEAKING: Practice giving job interview answers -- Talk about how things have changed dramatically -- Retell a story -- Describe plots and turning points -- Time to speak: Develop a creative story based on pictures
Review 4 (Review of Units 10-12) Grammar charts and practice Vocabulary exercises

9781108414517 (Student Book with DVD) 9781108408028 (DVD)

GBB976310 bnb

019381668 Uk

English language--Spoken English.
English language--Textbooks for foreign speakers.
English language--Films for foreign speakers.
C1 (CEFR).
