McCarter, Sam

Medicine 1 / Sam McCarter. - 1st ed. - Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2009. - (Student Book) 143 p. : ill., ports. ; 28 cm. + 1 CD & Teacher's Resource Book (111 p.) - Oxford English for Careers Medicine . - Oxford English for careers. .

Includes a Reading bank key, Speaking activities, Grammar reference, Listening scripts, and a Glossary.

"Medicine 1 gives you the language, information, and skills you need to start you career:
It's my job - real people talk about their work in medicine Patient care - key interpersonal skills for patient-centred communication Reading bank - practice in reading for medicine Based on the communication skills for OSCE
Reference to the Oxford Handbook series - authentic material from the world's best selling medical handbooks Online interactive exercises to revise and recycle language:" (Book Cover) CONTENTS:
1. Presenting complaints
It's my job: Dr. Gillian Henderson - cardiologist
Culture project/project: Understanding culture: interpreting body language
Listening: Personal details; Presenting complaints
Speaking: Diagnosing presenting complaints
Writing: A case report
Language Knowledge:
Language spot: Asking short and gentle questions; Tenses in the presenting complaints
Vocabulary: Describing pain
Pronunciation: Medical terms: word stress
2. Working in general practice
Patient care: Short questions in the general history
Culture project/project: Research into general practice in the UK
Listening: Description of a GP's job; A case history; Short questions in the general history
Reading: Social factors in general practice
Speaking: GP statistics; Case history role-play
Writing: A referral letter
Language Knowledge:
Language spot: Present Perfect and Past Simple
Vocabulary: Medical jobs; Signs and symptoms; Non-technical language
Pronunciation: Medical jobs: main stress; Questions: rising and falling intonation
3. Instructions and procedures
It's my job: Dr. Franco Carulli - newly qualified doctor
Patient care: Preparation for carrying out a procedure
Listening: Preparing for the first ward round; Giving instructions
Reading: Direct observation of procedural skills
Speaking: Explaining a process (hand washing); Explaining a procedure; Case presentation
Writing: Case notes
Language Knowledge:
Language spot: Giving instructions; Explaining procedures; Making polite requests
Vocabulary: Instructions for a procedure
4. Explaining and reassuring
Culture project/project: Research into complications
Listening: Patient care; Explaining a gastroscopy; Emphasis; Discussing complications
Reading: Gastroscopy
Speaking: Explaining procedures; Acknowledging visual cues
Writing: An explanation of possible complications
Language Knowledge:
Language spot: Explaining procedures with the Present Passive and be going to future
Vocabulary: Adjectives to describe procedures; Explaining complications and reassuring the patient;
Pronunciation: Word stress: suffixes
5. Dealing with medication
It's my job: Joce Carne - nurse practitioner
Patient care: Prescribing drugs in hospital
Culture project/Project: Research into clinical incident reporting
Listening: A drug chart; Benefits and side effects
Reading: Concordance
Speaking: A drug chart; Explaining medications
Writing: Clinical incident reporting
Language Knowledge:
Language spot: Phrasal verbs; Explaining side effects: can/may
Vocabulary: Abbreviations
6. Lifestyle
Patient care: Sympathy and empathy
Culture project/project: Research in medicine
Listening: Family history and social history; Being sympathetic
Reading: Overweight and obesity
Speaking: Making changes; Stress; Exam practice
Writing: An email about dealing with stress
Language Knowledge:
Language spot: Encouraging patients and making suggestions
Vocabulary: Language for exercise
Pronunciation: Word stress in noun phrases
7. Parents and young children
It's my job: Dr. Nasrin Ahmed - paediatrician
Patient care: Reassurance
Culture project/project: Baby's six-week check; Applying for work
Listening: Talking about oneself; Reassuring an anxious parent; Sharing experiences
Reading: Recommendations for the use of the MMR vaccine
Speaking: Empathizing; Practicing for OSCE scenarios
Writing: Reflecting on one's own experiences
Language Knowledge:
Language spot: First Conditional vs. Second Conditional
Vocabulary: Qualities of a good pediatrician; Non-technical language; Signs and symptoms
8. Communication
Patient care: Understanding why patients can appear vague; Asking and responding to open questions
Culture project: Information web search: TWEAK
Listening: Acknowledging verbal cues; Appropriate responses
Reading: Barriers to prevention
Speaking: Considering what the patient thinks; Dealing with a defensive patient
Writing: Writing accurately for training or work applications
Language Knowledge:
Language spot: Open and closed questions
Vocabulary: Alcohol
Pronunciation: Stress in the sentence
9. Working in psychiatry
It's my job: Dr Tom Turner - psychiatrist
Patient care: Asking about self-harm
Listening: Describing patients
Reading: Eliciting the history
Speaking: Min-mental state examination
Writing: Extract from a mental state examination
Language Knowledge:
Language spot: the Past Simple and the Past Perfect; Wishes and consequences in negotiations
Vocabulary: Appearance, behaviour, and manner
Pronunciation: Weak forms
10. Terminal illness and dying
It's my job: Frances MacGregor - Marie Curie nurse
Culture project: Care in the community
Listening: Recognizing and dealing with patients' emotions; Informing a relative about a death
Reading: Breaking bad news
Speaking: Breaking bad news; A debate about donor cards; Coping mechanisms
Writing: Preferred coping mechanisms
Language Knowledge:
Language spot: Expressing likes, dislikes, and preferences
Vocabulary: Reactions to bad news; Words and phrases related to death
11. Working in a team
It's my job: Dr Omar Noori - phlebotomist
Culture project: Finding out about politeness in different cultures
Listening: Appropriate responses; Asking a senior colleague for help
Reading: Syllabus and Competences of the Foundation Programme
Speaking: Communicating with a consultant; Interrupting a colleague; Interview panel
Writing: Describing an example of good practice
Language Knowledge:
Language spot: Being polite
Vocabulary: Teamwork; Describing attitude and behaviour
12. Diversity at work
Patient care: Asking about culture; Spiritual needs in palliative care
Culture project: Name awareness
Listening: Avoiding and responding to tactless comments
Reading: A multicultural UK
Speaking: Cultural awareness; Reporting and clarifying; Diversity committee; Patients's spiritual needs
Writing: A response to a report
Language Knowledge:
Language spot: Reported speech
Vocabulary: Awareness of feelings
Pronunciation: Saying long sentences
Reading bank:
1. TV doctor
2. Medicines
3. Assessment
4. The language barrier
5. The nocebo effect
6. Salt caves
7. Children's sleep
8. Expressions
9. Psychiatry
10. Memories
11. Being a midwife
12. The Maori
Reading bank key
Speaking activities
Grammar reference
Listening scripts
Teacher's Resource Book extras:
Grammar tests key
Symbols and abbreviations

9780194023009 (Student Book) 9780194023016 (Teacher's Resource Book) 9780194023030 (Class CD)

GBA919406 bnb

English language--Textbooks for foreign speakers.
English language--Study and teaching--Foreign speakers.
English language--Medical English.
English language--Spoken English--Problems, exercises, etc.

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