Immersion at the University Level : Rethinking Policies, Approaches, and Implementations / edited by Hélène Knoerr and Alysse Weinberg. - vii, 335 p. : ill. ; 23 cm. - Politics and Public Policy. . - Politics and public policy (University of Ottawa Press) .

Translation of: L'immersion française à l'université: politiques et pédagogies.

Includes bibliographical references and index.

Acknowledgements PREFACE: Post-Secondary French Immersion / Graham Fraser INTRODUCTION / Aline Gohard-Radenkovic, Hélène Knoerr, and Alysse Weinberg Chapter 1 Solid Foundations: French Immersion Language Planning and Policies in Canada / Sylvie A. Lamoureux Chapter 2 Political Interpretations and Institutional Arrangements for Immersion at the University of Ottawa / Hélène Knoerr Chapter 3 From Applied Linguistic Theories to Language and Culture Teaching: Origins of Immersion / Jérémie Séror, Aline Gohard-Radenkovic, and Hélène Knoerr Chapter 4 From Informal to Formal Immersion / Alysse Weinberg and Sandra Burger Chapter 5 Immersion in Canada in its Multiple Forms: From Vision to Reality / Bettina B. Cenerelli, Eva Lemaire, and Françoise Mougeon Chapter 6 The Resources for French Immersion at the University of Ottawa / Hélène Knoerr Chapter 7 Learning Modes and Situations in the Régime d'immersion en français: A Holistic Approach / Alysse Weinberg and Catherine Elena Buchanan Chapter 8 Content Learning and Language Support / Hélène Knoerr Chapter 9 Collaborative Practices between Actors in Immersion: Mentoring, parrainage, Tandem Work / Alysse Weinberg, Hélène Knoerr, and Aline Gohard-Radenkovic Chapter 10 The Role of Testing in Immersion Programs / Alysse Weinberg and Amelia Hope Chapter 11 Training Modalities for Immersion Stakeholders / Catherine Elena Buchanan, Hélène Knoerr, and Sandra Burger Chapter 12 Biographical Interviews with the RIF Administrators: Potential Mediators of a Linguistic and Cultural "In-Between" / Aline Gohard-Radenkovic Chapter 13 Language Ideologies of Immersion Stakeholders: The Case of Language Instructors / Jérémie Séror and Alysse Weinberg Chapter 14 Experiences of Immersion Stakeholders at the University of Ottawa: Content Instructors / Hélène Knoerr Chapter 15 The Student Experience in the Régime d'immersion en français at the University of Ottawa: From Spaces of Tensions to "In-Between" Spaces? / Sylvie A. Lamoureux Chapter 16 RIF Students' Self-Narratives on their Itineraries and Experiences / Aline Gohard-Radenkovic SYNTHESIS / Hélène Knoerr, Alysse Weinberg, and Aline Gohard-Radenkovic About the Editors

"French immersion came to life in a primary school in the suburbs of Montreal in the 1960s. This was done to meet the needs of anglophone children who had to live in the new francophone context in Québec. While immersion spread rapidly in primary and secondary institutions in Canada, it remains, to this day, almost inexistant at the university level. However, Graham Fraser, the Commissioner of Official Languages - the federal spokesperson with regards to the promotion and protection of linguistic rights - recommended on multiple occasions that immersion continue at the post-secondary level. This volume revisits this recommendation; indeed, the title of this book alludes to the highly political nature of any linguistic accommodation, especially in a bilingual or plurilingual context. The preface by Graham Fraser places the concept of immersion in a historical perspective within the linguistic debates in Canada. The book presents linguistic policies and French immersion programs in higher education institutions through identification of the arrangements in Canadian universities, and more specifically those at the University of Ottawa. This is a frame of reference for higher education institutions in Canada and abroad." (

9780776628745 0776628747 9780776628868 0776628860

French language--Study and teaching (Higher)--English speakers.--Canada
French language--Study and teaching as a second language--Immersion method.
French language--Study and teaching as a second language (Higher)--Canada.

PC2068.C2 / I4613 2020

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