Camilleri, Antoinette

How Strange! : the Use of Anecdotes in the Development of Intercultural Competence = Comme c'est bizarre ! : l'utilisation d'anecdotes dans le développement de la compétence interculturelle / Comme c'est bizarre ! : l'utilisation d'anecdotes dans le développement de la compétence interculturelle. Antoinette Grima Camilleri. - 1st ed. - Strasbourg : Council of Europe Publishing ; European Centre for Modern Languages, 2002. - 100 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.

Includes bibliographical references.

1. Introduction 2. Intercultural competence
2.1 Schema Theory 3. Overview of the date 4. Developing intercultural competence in the classroom
4.1 Developing cognitive complexity in responding to new environments
4.2 Motivating affective co-orientation towards fresh encounters
4.3 Directing behaviour to perform with additional social groups 5. Storyline method
5.1 Using anecdotes to create characters
5.2 Using anecdotes to formulate a plot
5.3 Using anecdotes to compose beginnings and endings 6. Conclusion

"Successful communication presupposes a good degree of social understanding and sharing of meaning and therefore participating in a community's life via another language necessitates not only an acceptable level of proficiency in that language but also an extended behavioural code. What kind of cultural setbacks do language learners face when visiting the target country, or even in interacting with native speakers of a language? What can we learn from the experience of such learners? The aim of this project was to tap into the experiences of seasoned foreign language learners and travellers for the collection of a database of anecdotes that symbolize the kind of intercultural failure faced by newcomers to a target culture. The database was launched on the ECML website in 2001 and a number of ECML workshop participants were invited to contribute anecdotes. In this publication, the data collected is described and is used as an illustration for possible classroom activities." (Book Cover)

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Communication interculturelle.
Langues vivantes--Étude et enseignement --Sociologie --Europe.
Compétence communicative.
Éducation interculturelle.
Langues--Étude et enseignement --Aspect psychologique--Europe.

Propulsé par Koha