Routledge Encyclopedia of Language Teaching and Learning /
edited by Michael Byram and Adelheid Hu.
- 2nd ed.
- New York : Routledge, 2013.
- xxxvi, 817 p. : ill. ; 26 cm.
Available in print and electronic formats.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
''The Routledge Encyclopedia of Language Teaching and Learning is an authoritative reference dealing with all aspects of this increasingly important field of study. Offering a comprehensive range of articles on contemporary language teaching and its history, it has been produced specifically for language teaching professionals and as a reference work for academic studies at post graduate level. In this new edition, every single entry has been reviewed and updated with reference to new developments and publications. Coverage has been expanded to reflect new technological, global, and academic developments, with particular attention to areas such as online and distance learning, teacher and learner cognition, testing, assessment and evaluation, global English and teacher education. Themes and disciplines covered include: Methods and materials, including new technologies and material developments Contexts and concepts, such as mediation, risk-taking in language learning and comprehension Influential figures from the early days of language teaching to the contemporary Related disciplines, such as psychology, anthropology and corpus linguistic. It covers the teaching of specific languages, including Japanese, Chinese, Arabic and African languages, as well as English, French, German, and Spanish. There are 35 overview articles dealing with issues such as communicative language teaching, early language learning, teacher education and syllabus and curriculum design. A further 160 entries focus on topics such as bilingualism, language laboratories and study abroad. Numerous shorter items examine language and cultural institutions, professional associations and acronyms. Multiple cross-references enable the user to browse from one entry to another, and there are suggestions for further reading. Written by an international team of specialists, the Routledge Encyclopedia of Language Teaching and Learning is an invaluable resource and reference manual for anyone with a professional or academic interest in the subject.'' (Book Cover) CONTENTS: List of illustrations Editorial board List of contributors List of entries Thematic list of entries Introduction to the 2 edition Introduction to the 1 edition Acknowledgements Entries A-Z Acculturation Achievement tests Acquisition and teaching Action research Adult language learning Adult learners African languages Age factors AILA ALA - Association for Language Awareness Alliance française Alternation hypothesis American Army Method Anthropology Applied linguistics Aptitude for language learning Aptitude tests Arabic Area studies Assessment and testing Attitudes and language learning Audiolingual method Audio-visual language teaching Authenticity Autonomy and autonomous learners Beginner language learners Behaviourism Beliefs about other countries BICS and CALP Bilingual education Bilingual method Bilingualism Bloomfiel, Leonhard Braille British Council CAL- Center for Applied Linguistics CALL - Computer Assisted Language Learning Camoes Institute Cercle S - Confédération Européenne des Centres de Langues dans l'Enseignement Supérieur Cervantes Institute Chinese Chomsky, Noam CIEP - Centre International d'Études Pédagogiques CILT - Centre for Information of Language Teaching Research Civilisation Classroom language Classroom observation schemes Classroom research Cloze test Cognitive code theory Cognitive linguistics Comenius, Johannes Amos Common European Framework of Reference Communication strategies Communicative language teaching Community language learning Competence and performance Confucius Institute Content and language integrated learning Content-based instruction Contrastive analysis Conversation analysis Corpus linguistics and language teaching Coste, Daniel Council of European Modern Language Projects Council of European Platform for Plurilingual and Intercultural Education CRAPEL - Centre de Recherches et d'Applications Pédagogiques en Langues CRÉDIF - Centre de Recherche et d'Étude pour la Diffusion du Français Créoles Créoles Cross-cultural psychology Cross-linguistic analyses Cross-sectional and longitudinal analyses C-test Cultural awareness Cultural studies Cultural shock DADD - Deutscher Akademischer Austanschdienst Developmental sequence Diagnostic tests DIALANG Dictation Dictionaries Didactique des langues Direct method Direct/ Indirect testing Discourse analysis Discrete point tests Disorders of language Distance learning Drama Early language learning in formal education Emotions and language learning English English for specific purposes Error analysis Esperanto European Centre for Modern Languages (ECML) European Language Council European Language Portfolio Evaluation Exchanges Exercises types and grading FIPLV - Fédération internationale des Professeurs de Langues Vivantes Foreigner Talk Fossilisation Français fondamental Fremdsprachendidaktik Fremdverstehen
French Gender in language Gender in language learning Generative principle Genre and genre-based teaching German Global education Goethe-Institut Gouin, François Graded objectives Grammar
Grammar-translation method Group work Halliday, Michael Alexander Kirkwood Handlungsorientierter Unterricht (Holistic and action-oriented learning and teaching)
Hawkins, Eric William Higher education
History: the nineteenth century History: from the Reform Movement to 1945 History: after 1945 Hornby, Albert Sidney Human rights Humanistic language teaching Humboldt, Wilhelm von
IATEFL - International Assocation of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language
Idioms IDV - Internationaler Deutschlehrerverband
Integrated tests
Integrative tests
Intensive language courses
Intercomprehension Intercultural communication Intercultural training / Cross-cultural training Interkulturelle Didaktik (Intercultural Didactics) Interlanguage
Internet and language learning Interpreting IPA - International Phonetic Association IVN - Internationale Vereneging Voor Neerlandistiek Japan Foundation
Japanese Jesperson, Otto Journals Kramsch Claire Krumm, Hans-Jürgen Landeskunde/Kulturkunde Language across the curriculum Language awareness Language laboratories Language planning and policy Languages for Specific Purposes
Langue and parole
Large classes Learner narratives Learning styles
Learning to Learn Lexicography and lexicology Lingua franca Linguapax Linguistic imperialism Linguistics Linguistique appliquée Listening Literary texts Literary texts and intercultural understanding Literary theory and literature teaching Lozanov, Georgi MAPRYaL Materials development Mediation Medium of instruction Medium-oriented and message-oriented communication Mental lexicon Migrant and heritage languages MLAT - Modem Language Aptitude Test Monitor model Monolingual principle Mother tongue Mother-tongue teaching
Mother tongue use in the foreign language classroom Motivation Motivation theories Nationalism Native speaker Needs analysis Neuro-linguistic Programming Neurolinguistics Non-native speaker teacher Non-verbal communication Notions and functions Objectives in language learning and teaching Palmer, Harold Edward Pedagogical grammar
Pidgins Placement tests
Planned languages Planning for foreign language teaching Plurilingualism Poetry Politeness Portuguese Pragmatics
Primary Education Proficiency Movement Proficiency tests
Progress tests Pronunciation teaching Psychodramaturgy for language acquisition Psychology
Pushkin Russian Language Institute
Quality management Questioning Techniques Reading Reading methods Reference works Reform Movement Reliability Research methods
Risk-taking and foreign language learning Rivers, Wilga Marie
Russian Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis
Saussure, Ferdinand de Schema and script theory SEAMEO RELC - The SEAMEO Regional Language Center Second language acquisition theories Secondary education
Self-access Sign languages
Silent Way Skills and knowledge in language learning Sociolinguistic competence Sociolinguistics Spanish Speaking Speech act theory Sprachlehrforschung Standard language Stereotypes Stern, Hans Heinrich (David)
Strategic competence Strategies of language learning Structural linguistics Study abroad Successful language learners Suggestopedia Sweet, Henry Syllabus and curriculum design Tandem learning
Task-based teaching and assessment Teacher education Teacher talk Teacher thinking Teaching methods Technologies for language learning TESOL - Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages Text and corpus linguistics Text types and grading Textbooks Third language learning Threshold Level Total Physical Response Transfer Translation Translation in language teaching Translation theory Trim, John Leslie Melville Turkish Universal grammar (UG) Untutored language acquisition US Standards for Foreign Language Learning
Validity van Ek, Jan Ate Vantage Level Variation in language
Viëtor, Wilhelm
Vocabulary Vocational education and training Waystage Widdowson, Henry George Writing Index
9780415593762 (hbk) 9780203101513 (eBook)
Language and languages--Study and teaching--Encyclopedias.
Available in print and electronic formats.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
''The Routledge Encyclopedia of Language Teaching and Learning is an authoritative reference dealing with all aspects of this increasingly important field of study. Offering a comprehensive range of articles on contemporary language teaching and its history, it has been produced specifically for language teaching professionals and as a reference work for academic studies at post graduate level. In this new edition, every single entry has been reviewed and updated with reference to new developments and publications. Coverage has been expanded to reflect new technological, global, and academic developments, with particular attention to areas such as online and distance learning, teacher and learner cognition, testing, assessment and evaluation, global English and teacher education. Themes and disciplines covered include: Methods and materials, including new technologies and material developments Contexts and concepts, such as mediation, risk-taking in language learning and comprehension Influential figures from the early days of language teaching to the contemporary Related disciplines, such as psychology, anthropology and corpus linguistic. It covers the teaching of specific languages, including Japanese, Chinese, Arabic and African languages, as well as English, French, German, and Spanish. There are 35 overview articles dealing with issues such as communicative language teaching, early language learning, teacher education and syllabus and curriculum design. A further 160 entries focus on topics such as bilingualism, language laboratories and study abroad. Numerous shorter items examine language and cultural institutions, professional associations and acronyms. Multiple cross-references enable the user to browse from one entry to another, and there are suggestions for further reading. Written by an international team of specialists, the Routledge Encyclopedia of Language Teaching and Learning is an invaluable resource and reference manual for anyone with a professional or academic interest in the subject.'' (Book Cover) CONTENTS: List of illustrations Editorial board List of contributors List of entries Thematic list of entries Introduction to the 2 edition Introduction to the 1 edition Acknowledgements Entries A-Z Acculturation Achievement tests Acquisition and teaching Action research Adult language learning Adult learners African languages Age factors AILA ALA - Association for Language Awareness Alliance française Alternation hypothesis American Army Method Anthropology Applied linguistics Aptitude for language learning Aptitude tests Arabic Area studies Assessment and testing Attitudes and language learning Audiolingual method Audio-visual language teaching Authenticity Autonomy and autonomous learners Beginner language learners Behaviourism Beliefs about other countries BICS and CALP Bilingual education Bilingual method Bilingualism Bloomfiel, Leonhard Braille British Council CAL- Center for Applied Linguistics CALL - Computer Assisted Language Learning Camoes Institute Cercle S - Confédération Européenne des Centres de Langues dans l'Enseignement Supérieur Cervantes Institute Chinese Chomsky, Noam CIEP - Centre International d'Études Pédagogiques CILT - Centre for Information of Language Teaching Research Civilisation Classroom language Classroom observation schemes Classroom research Cloze test Cognitive code theory Cognitive linguistics Comenius, Johannes Amos Common European Framework of Reference Communication strategies Communicative language teaching Community language learning Competence and performance Confucius Institute Content and language integrated learning Content-based instruction Contrastive analysis Conversation analysis Corpus linguistics and language teaching Coste, Daniel Council of European Modern Language Projects Council of European Platform for Plurilingual and Intercultural Education CRAPEL - Centre de Recherches et d'Applications Pédagogiques en Langues CRÉDIF - Centre de Recherche et d'Étude pour la Diffusion du Français Créoles Créoles Cross-cultural psychology Cross-linguistic analyses Cross-sectional and longitudinal analyses C-test Cultural awareness Cultural studies Cultural shock DADD - Deutscher Akademischer Austanschdienst Developmental sequence Diagnostic tests DIALANG Dictation Dictionaries Didactique des langues Direct method Direct/ Indirect testing Discourse analysis Discrete point tests Disorders of language Distance learning Drama Early language learning in formal education Emotions and language learning English English for specific purposes Error analysis Esperanto European Centre for Modern Languages (ECML) European Language Council European Language Portfolio Evaluation Exchanges Exercises types and grading FIPLV - Fédération internationale des Professeurs de Langues Vivantes Foreigner Talk Fossilisation Français fondamental Fremdsprachendidaktik Fremdverstehen
French Gender in language Gender in language learning Generative principle Genre and genre-based teaching German Global education Goethe-Institut Gouin, François Graded objectives Grammar
Grammar-translation method Group work Halliday, Michael Alexander Kirkwood Handlungsorientierter Unterricht (Holistic and action-oriented learning and teaching)
Hawkins, Eric William Higher education
History: the nineteenth century History: from the Reform Movement to 1945 History: after 1945 Hornby, Albert Sidney Human rights Humanistic language teaching Humboldt, Wilhelm von
IATEFL - International Assocation of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language
Idioms IDV - Internationaler Deutschlehrerverband
Integrated tests
Integrative tests
Intensive language courses
Intercomprehension Intercultural communication Intercultural training / Cross-cultural training Interkulturelle Didaktik (Intercultural Didactics) Interlanguage
Internet and language learning Interpreting IPA - International Phonetic Association IVN - Internationale Vereneging Voor Neerlandistiek Japan Foundation
Japanese Jesperson, Otto Journals Kramsch Claire Krumm, Hans-Jürgen Landeskunde/Kulturkunde Language across the curriculum Language awareness Language laboratories Language planning and policy Languages for Specific Purposes
Langue and parole
Large classes Learner narratives Learning styles
Learning to Learn Lexicography and lexicology Lingua franca Linguapax Linguistic imperialism Linguistics Linguistique appliquée Listening Literary texts Literary texts and intercultural understanding Literary theory and literature teaching Lozanov, Georgi MAPRYaL Materials development Mediation Medium of instruction Medium-oriented and message-oriented communication Mental lexicon Migrant and heritage languages MLAT - Modem Language Aptitude Test Monitor model Monolingual principle Mother tongue Mother-tongue teaching
Mother tongue use in the foreign language classroom Motivation Motivation theories Nationalism Native speaker Needs analysis Neuro-linguistic Programming Neurolinguistics Non-native speaker teacher Non-verbal communication Notions and functions Objectives in language learning and teaching Palmer, Harold Edward Pedagogical grammar
Pidgins Placement tests
Planned languages Planning for foreign language teaching Plurilingualism Poetry Politeness Portuguese Pragmatics
Primary Education Proficiency Movement Proficiency tests
Progress tests Pronunciation teaching Psychodramaturgy for language acquisition Psychology
Pushkin Russian Language Institute
Quality management Questioning Techniques Reading Reading methods Reference works Reform Movement Reliability Research methods
Risk-taking and foreign language learning Rivers, Wilga Marie
Russian Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis
Saussure, Ferdinand de Schema and script theory SEAMEO RELC - The SEAMEO Regional Language Center Second language acquisition theories Secondary education
Self-access Sign languages
Silent Way Skills and knowledge in language learning Sociolinguistic competence Sociolinguistics Spanish Speaking Speech act theory Sprachlehrforschung Standard language Stereotypes Stern, Hans Heinrich (David)
Strategic competence Strategies of language learning Structural linguistics Study abroad Successful language learners Suggestopedia Sweet, Henry Syllabus and curriculum design Tandem learning
Task-based teaching and assessment Teacher education Teacher talk Teacher thinking Teaching methods Technologies for language learning TESOL - Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages Text and corpus linguistics Text types and grading Textbooks Third language learning Threshold Level Total Physical Response Transfer Translation Translation in language teaching Translation theory Trim, John Leslie Melville Turkish Universal grammar (UG) Untutored language acquisition US Standards for Foreign Language Learning
Validity van Ek, Jan Ate Vantage Level Variation in language
Viëtor, Wilhelm
Vocabulary Vocational education and training Waystage Widdowson, Henry George Writing Index
9780415593762 (hbk) 9780203101513 (eBook)
Language and languages--Study and teaching--Encyclopedias.