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Advanced Learners' Grammar : A Self-Study Reference & Practice Book with Answers / Mark Foley and Diane Hall.

Par : Foley, Mark.
Collaborateur(s) : Hall, Diane.
Éditeur : Harlow, UK : Longman, 2003Description :384 p. : ill. ; 28 cm.ISBN : 0582403839 (Student Book); 9780582403833 (Student Book).Titre associé : Advanced Learners' Grammar : A Self-Study Reference & Practice Book with Answers | Longman Advanced Learners' Grammar [Autre titre].Sujet(s) : English language -- Textbooks for foreign speakers | English language -- Grammar -- Problems, exercises, etc | B2-C1 (CEFR) | High intermediate to advancedRessources en ligne : Publisher's Website.
Dépouillement complet :
The comprehensive grammar reference and practice book that targets the language Advances students need to refine their English. Diagnostic tests identity students' weaknesses to enable more focused learning Comprehensive explanations with lots of natural examples help students acquire authentic language A variety of real contexts and exercises motivate students CAE/CPE task types familiarise students with the format of the exams
Diagnostic tests 1-36
1 Present tenses (Diagnostic test 1, page 10) 1.1 Present Simple I make 1.2 Present continuous I am making 1.3 Verbs rarely used in the continuous believe; have; like; etc.
2 Past tenses (Diagnostic test 2, page 11) 2.1 Past Simple I made 2.2 Past continuous I was making 2.3 Past perfect I had made 2.4 Past perfect continuous I had been making 2.5 Used to/would I used to make; I would make
3 Past to present tenses (Diagnostic test 3, page 12) 3.1 Present perfect simple I have made 3.2 Present perfect and past simple - differences 3.3 Present perfect continuous I have been making 3.4 Present perfect simple and continuous - differences Round up (Unit 1-3): Present and past tenses
4 The future (1) (Diagnostic test 4, page 13) 4.1 Prediction he will make; he is going to make; he will be making; etc 4.2 Decisions and intentions I will make; I am going to make 4.3 Arrangements I'm meeting; I will be meeting 4.4 Other future meanings timetables; qualifying future forms; etc.
5 The future (2) (Diagnostic test 5, page 14) 5.1 Expressions with future meaning be to + infinitive; be due to + infinitive; etc. 5.2 Verbs with future meaning main verbs; modal verbs 5.3 Future in the past I was going to make; other forms Round up (Unit 4 and 5): The future
6 Negation (Diagnostic test 6, page 15) 6.1 Negative statements not; no; neither; etc. 6.2 Negative questions Haven't you seen...? 6.3 Words which carry negative meaning adverbs; quantifiers; verbs; prefixes
7 Questions (Diagnostic test 7, page 16) 7.1 Closed and open questions Are you busy? Why did she leave? 7.2 Tag questions He knows, doesn't he? He doesn't know, does he? etc. 7.3 Indirect questions Can you tell me how long ...? I wonder whether ... 7.4 Echo questions Are you? Has he really?
8 Passives, causatives and get (Diagnostic test 8, page 17) 8.1 Passive forms it is made; he was said to be ...; it got broken 8.2 Passive -ing forms and infinitives being made; to have been made; etc. 8.3 have/get + object + past participle I had/got it made; I had my bag stolen 8.4 Used of the passive information order; the 'unimportant' agent; etc.
9 Reported speech (Diagnostic test 9, page 18) 9.1 Direct and indirect speech 'There's a problem.'; He said there was a problem. 9.2 Indirect statements reporting verbs; changes of pronoun, adverb, tense 9.3 Indirect (reported) questions reporting verbs; she asked when it started 9.4 Indirect commands and requests reporting verbs; he asked them to wait 9.5 Reporting verbs and their patterns advise; offer; threaten; etc.
10 Conditionals (Diagnostic test 10, page 19) 10.1 General points on conditionals sentence structures and patterns 10.2 Zero conditional If I work late, he makes the dinner. 10.3 First conditional If I work late tomorrow, he'll make the dinner 10.4 Second conditional If I worked late, he would make the dinner 10.5 Third conditional If I'd worked late, he would have made the dinner 10.6 Mixed conditionals mixed second/third and the third/second conditionals 10.7 Alternatives to if unless; provided that; suppose; in case; etc
11 The subjunctive and 'unreal' uses of past forms (Diagnostic test 11, page 20) 11.1 The subjunctive form and use; informal alternatives; fixed expressions 11.2 The 'unreal' past imaginary past, present and future; was or were; what if; etc. 11.3 wish/if only + past simple; + past perfect; + would/could Round up (Units 10 and 11): Conditionals, subjunctive and 'unreal' past
12 -ing forms and infinitives (Diagnostic test 12, page 21) 12.1 -ing forms subjects and objects; patterns of use 12.2 Infinitives forms and uses 12.3 Verbs followed by -ing forms and infinitives patterns; differences in meaning
13 Participle and infinitive phrases 13.1 Participle phrases - form and use active and passive; participle subjects 13.2 Types of participle phrase defining phrases; phrases of reason, result; etc. 13.3 Infinitive phrases - form and use active and passive; as subject/complement 13.4 Types of infinitive phrase defining phrases; phrases of purpose and result 13.5 Uses in discourse to tell the truth; generally speaking
14 Multi-word verbs (Diagnostic test 14, page 23) 14.1 Form and use the four types; formal/informal use; particles 14.2 Phrasal verbs I get by. I made it up 14.3 Prepositional verbs I looked for it. I didn't fall for it. 14.4 Phrasal-prepositional verbs I look forward to hearing from you. 14.5 Word list: common multi-word verbs break down; catch on; etc.
15 Dependent prepositions (Diagnostic test 15, page 23) 15.1 General rules 15.2 Verb + preposition patterns 15.3 Noun + preposition demand for; success in; fear of 15.4 Adjective/participle + preposition grateful for; worried about; scared by 15.5 Word list: dependent preposition patterns belief in; good at; etc.
16 Modal verbs (1): can, could, may, might, be able to (Diagnostic test 16, page 25) 16.1 Ability She can speak French. I wasn't able to fix it. 16.2 Possibility, deduction and speculation There may be life on Mars. 16.3 Arrangements, suggestions, offers, etc He can see you at six. 16.4 Asking for and giving/refusing permission May I interrupt?
17 Modal verbs (2): must, should, ought to, have to, need to (Diagnostic test 17, page 26) 17.1 Obligation and necessity We must leave early. You need to eat something. 17.2 Prohibition and criticism You mustn't touch it. 17.3 Absence of obligation or necessity You don't have/need to pay 17.4 Recommendation and advice You'd better not wait 17.5 Logical deduction and probability He must have left
18 Modal verbs (3): will, would, shall (Diagnostic test 18, page 27) 18.1 Prediction and clarity He'll be in London now. He'll have arrived 18.2 Characteristics, habits and routines It will hold two litres. 18.3 Willingness and refusal I'll sign it. They wouldn't change it. 18.4 Other uses of will/shall/would offers; promises; suggestions; requests; etc. 18.5 Hypothetical would it would be nice; it would have been a good idea
19 Auxiliaries, have (got), do (Diagnostic test 19, page 28) 19.1 Auxiliary verbs uses; contracted forms 19.2 Emphasis It has been a long time! Did you or didn't you take it? 19.3 Have and do meanings and uses 19.4 Have got for possession; meaning 'has become/obtained'; etc.
20 Confusing verbs (Diagnostic test 20, page 29) 20.1 False synonyms make/do; have/take; been/gone; speak/talk; etc. 20.2 Opposite pairs borrow/lend; bring/take
21 Adjectives (Diagnostic test 21, page 30) 21.1 Adjective patterns responsible parents; the person responsible 21.2 Particle (-ing or -ed) adjectives I feel frightened; a frightening film 21.3 Groups of adjectives pair of adjectives; etc.
22 Comparison (Diagnostic test 22, page 31) 22.1 Comparative and superlative adjectives form and use; irregular adjectives 22.2 Adjectives with as, so, too, enough and such not as bad as I'd experienced 22.3 Other types of comparison faster and faster; like and as
23 Gradable and ungradable adjectives (Diagnostic test 23, page 32) 23.1 Modifying gradable adjectives very expensive; slightly dizzy; quite nice 23.2 Modifying ungradable adjectives absolutely fabulous; practically freezing 23.3 Modifying adjectives in informal English really sorry; dead scary 23.4 Common adverb + adjective collocations bitterly cold; deeply moving
24 Adverbs (Diagnostic test 24, page 33) 24.1 Form formation and types; adverbs with two forms 24.2 Use modifying and adding information; use in comparisons 24.3 Position of adverbs in sentences front, mid and final position 24.4 Sentence adverbs .
25 Nouns and noun phrases (Diagnostic test 25, page 34) 25.1 Basic points form and meaning; gender 25.2 Singular and plural nouns regular/irregular plurals; plural form nouns 25.3 Countable and uncountable nouns use; different meanings; a piece/bit of 25.4 Agreement plural subjects; plural form and group nouns 25.5 Nominalisation making verbs/verb phrases into nouns/noun phrases
26 Possessives and compound nouns (Diagnostic test 26, page 35) 26.1 Form and meaning possessive forms; rules 26.2 The genitive ('s) or of structure which form to use 26.3 Specifying or classifying possessives and compound nouns sports shop
27 Pronouns (Diagnostic test 27, page 36) 27.1 Personal pronouns omission of pronouns; subject or object forms; one; etc. 27.2 Reflexive and reciprocal -self/-selves; each other/one another 27.3 'Impersonal' pronouns use of you/we/they/one 27.4 Indefinite pronouns and adverbs somebody; anything; no one; etc.
28 Determiners (Diagnostic test 28, page 37) 28.1 Articles a/the/no article for naming, describing and classifying; etc. 28.2 Demonstratives this/that/these/those as adjectives and pronouns 28.3 Quantifiers no; none; half; both; some; all; etc.
29 Prepositions (Diagnostic test 29, page 38) 29.1 Introduction basic information; preposition or adverb? 29.2 Meaning and use prepositions of position, movement, time, reason; etc. 29.3 Prepositional phrases formation; stranded prepositions
30 Word order and verb patterns (Diagnostic test 30, page 39) 30.1 Word order in English subject-verb-object word order and variations 30.2 Verb patterns verb + complement; verb + prepositional phrase; etc. 30.3 Linking clauses coordination; subordination
31 Relatives clauses (Diagnostic test 31, page 40) 31.1 Relative clauses subject/object relatives; defining/non-defining relatives; etc. 31.2 Relative pronouns and adverbs who, etc; modifying pronouns; whichever, etc.
32 Contrast (Diagnostic test 32, page 41) 32.1 Conjunctions of contrast but; while; although; yet; etc. 32.2 Prepositions of contrasts Despite; in spite of 32.3 Adverbs of contrast however; nevertheless; even so, still; etc.
33 Introductory there and it (Diagnostic test 33, page 42) 33.1 Introductory there as 'empty' subject; there + be 33.2 Introductory/impersonal it .as 'empty' subject; introducing certain topics; describing impersonal/general feelings; using it in discourse
34 Emphatic Structures and inversion (Diagnostic test 34, page 43) 34.1 Cleft sentences Zack was the guy who told us. 34.2 Fronting that I disagree with; attracted to the roof was an aerial 34.3 Inversion little did we realise; never have I seen; so are we
35 Aspects of cohesion (Diagnostic test 35, page 44) 35.1 Types of text reference substitution; ellipsis; anaphoric and cataphoric reference 35.2 Substitution substituting nouns, verbs, clauses 35.3 Ellipsis omitting nouns, pronouns, verbs, infinitives and wh- clauses
36 Features of discourse (Diagnostic test 36, page 45) 36.1 Ordering information the information principle; the end-weight principle; etc. 36.2 Discourse devices types of linking; reference; parallelism
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Includes index.

The comprehensive grammar reference and practice book that targets the language Advances students need to refine their English.
Diagnostic tests identity students' weaknesses to enable more focused learning
Comprehensive explanations with lots of natural examples help students acquire authentic language
A variety of real contexts and exercises motivate students
CAE/CPE task types familiarise students with the format of the exams



Diagnostic tests 1-36

1 Present tenses (Diagnostic test 1, page 10)
1.1 Present Simple
I make
1.2 Present continuous
I am making
1.3 Verbs rarely used in the continuous
believe; have; like; etc.

2 Past tenses (Diagnostic test 2, page 11)
2.1 Past Simple
I made
2.2 Past continuous
I was making
2.3 Past perfect

I had made
2.4 Past perfect continuous
I had been making
2.5 Used to/would
I used to make; I would make

3 Past to present tenses (Diagnostic test 3, page 12)
3.1 Present perfect simple
I have made
3.2 Present perfect and past simple - differences
3.3 Present perfect continuous
I have been making
3.4 Present perfect simple and continuous - differences
Round up (Unit 1-3): Present and past tenses

4 The future (1) (Diagnostic test 4, page 13)
4.1 Prediction
he will make; he is going to make; he will be making; etc
4.2 Decisions and intentions
I will make; I am going to make
4.3 Arrangements
I'm meeting; I will be meeting
4.4 Other future meanings
timetables; qualifying future forms; etc.

5 The future (2) (Diagnostic test 5, page 14)
5.1 Expressions with future meaning
be to + infinitive; be due to + infinitive; etc.
5.2 Verbs with future meaning
main verbs; modal verbs
5.3 Future in the past
I was going to make; other forms
Round up (Unit 4 and 5): The future

6 Negation (Diagnostic test 6, page 15)
6.1 Negative statements

not; no; neither; etc.
6.2 Negative questions
Haven't you seen...?
6.3 Words which carry negative meaning
adverbs; quantifiers; verbs; prefixes

7 Questions (Diagnostic test 7, page 16)
7.1 Closed and open questions
Are you busy? Why did she leave?
7.2 Tag questions
He knows, doesn't he? He doesn't know, does he? etc.
7.3 Indirect questions
Can you tell me how long ...? I wonder whether ...
7.4 Echo questions
Are you? Has he really?

8 Passives, causatives and get (Diagnostic test 8, page 17)
8.1 Passive forms
it is made; he was said to be ...; it got broken
8.2 Passive -ing forms and infinitives
being made; to have been made; etc.
8.3 have/get + object + past participle
I had/got it made; I had my bag stolen
8.4 Used of the passive
information order; the 'unimportant' agent; etc.

9 Reported speech (Diagnostic test 9, page 18)
9.1 Direct and indirect speech
'There's a problem.'; He said there was a problem.
9.2 Indirect statements
reporting verbs; changes of pronoun, adverb, tense
9.3 Indirect (reported) questions
reporting verbs; she asked when it started
9.4 Indirect commands and requests
reporting verbs; he asked them to wait
9.5 Reporting verbs and their patterns
advise; offer; threaten; etc.

10 Conditionals (Diagnostic test 10, page 19)
10.1 General points on conditionals
sentence structures and patterns
10.2 Zero conditional
If I work late, he makes the dinner.
10.3 First conditional
If I work late tomorrow, he'll make the dinner
10.4 Second conditional
If I worked late, he would make the dinner
10.5 Third conditional
If I'd worked late, he would have made the dinner
10.6 Mixed conditionals
mixed second/third and the third/second conditionals
10.7 Alternatives to if
unless; provided that; suppose; in case; etc

11 The subjunctive and 'unreal' uses of past forms (Diagnostic test 11, page 20)

11.1 The subjunctive
form and use; informal alternatives; fixed expressions
11.2 The 'unreal' past
imaginary past, present and future; was or were; what if; etc.
11.3 wish/if only
+ past simple; + past perfect; + would/could
Round up (Units 10 and 11): Conditionals, subjunctive and 'unreal' past

12 -ing forms and infinitives (Diagnostic test 12, page 21)
12.1 -ing forms
subjects and objects; patterns of use
12.2 Infinitives
forms and uses
12.3 Verbs followed by -ing forms and infinitives
patterns; differences in meaning

13 Participle and infinitive phrases
13.1 Participle phrases - form and use
active and passive; participle subjects
13.2 Types of participle phrase

defining phrases; phrases of reason, result; etc.
13.3 Infinitive phrases - form and use
active and passive; as subject/complement
13.4 Types of infinitive phrase

defining phrases; phrases of purpose and result
13.5 Uses in discourse
to tell the truth; generally speaking

14 Multi-word verbs (Diagnostic test 14, page 23)
14.1 Form and use
the four types; formal/informal use; particles
14.2 Phrasal verbs
I get by. I made it up
14.3 Prepositional verbs
I looked for it. I didn't fall for it.
14.4 Phrasal-prepositional verbs
I look forward to hearing from you.
14.5 Word list: common multi-word verbs
break down; catch on; etc.

15 Dependent prepositions (Diagnostic test 15, page 23)
15.1 General rules
15.2 Verb + preposition patterns
15.3 Noun + preposition
demand for; success in; fear of 15.4 Adjective/participle + preposition
grateful for; worried about; scared by 15.5 Word list: dependent preposition patterns

belief in; good at; etc.

16 Modal verbs (1): can, could, may, might, be able to (Diagnostic test 16, page 25)
16.1 Ability
She can speak French. I wasn't able to fix it.
16.2 Possibility, deduction and speculation
There may be life on Mars. 16.3 Arrangements, suggestions, offers, etc
He can see you at six. 16.4 Asking for and giving/refusing permission
May I interrupt?

17 Modal verbs (2): must, should, ought to, have to, need to (Diagnostic test 17, page 26)
17.1 Obligation and necessity
We must leave early. You need to eat something. 17.2 Prohibition and criticism
You mustn't touch it. 17.3 Absence of obligation or necessity
You don't have/need to pay 17.4 Recommendation and advice
You'd better not wait 17.5 Logical deduction and probability
He must have left

18 Modal verbs (3): will, would, shall (Diagnostic test 18, page 27)
18.1 Prediction and clarity
He'll be in London now. He'll have arrived
18.2 Characteristics, habits and routines
It will hold two litres.
18.3 Willingness and refusal
I'll sign it. They wouldn't change it. 18.4 Other uses of will/shall/would
offers; promises; suggestions; requests; etc. 18.5 Hypothetical would
it would be nice; it would have been a good idea

19 Auxiliaries, have (got), do (Diagnostic test 19, page 28)
19.1 Auxiliary verbs
uses; contracted forms
19.2 Emphasis
It has been a long time! Did you or didn't you take it? 19.3 Have and do
meanings and uses
19.4 Have got
for possession; meaning 'has become/obtained'; etc.

20 Confusing verbs (Diagnostic test 20, page 29)
20.1 False synonyms
make/do; have/take; been/gone; speak/talk; etc. 20.2 Opposite pairs
borrow/lend; bring/take

21 Adjectives (Diagnostic test 21, page 30)
21.1 Adjective patterns
responsible parents; the person responsible 21.2 Particle (-ing or -ed) adjectives
I feel frightened; a frightening film 21.3 Groups of adjectives
pair of adjectives; etc.

22 Comparison (Diagnostic test 22, page 31)
22.1 Comparative and superlative adjectives
form and use; irregular adjectives 22.2 Adjectives with as, so, too, enough and such
not as bad as I'd experienced 22.3 Other types of comparison
faster and faster; like and as

23 Gradable and ungradable adjectives (Diagnostic test 23, page 32)
23.1 Modifying gradable adjectives
very expensive; slightly dizzy; quite nice 23.2 Modifying ungradable adjectives
absolutely fabulous; practically freezing 23.3 Modifying adjectives in informal English
really sorry; dead scary 23.4 Common adverb + adjective collocations
bitterly cold; deeply moving

24 Adverbs (Diagnostic test 24, page 33)
24.1 Form
formation and types; adverbs with two forms 24.2 Use
modifying and adding information; use in comparisons 24.3 Position of adverbs in sentences
front, mid and final position 24.4 Sentence adverbs

25 Nouns and noun phrases (Diagnostic test 25, page 34)
25.1 Basic points
form and meaning; gender 25.2 Singular and plural nouns
regular/irregular plurals; plural form nouns 25.3 Countable and uncountable nouns
use; different meanings; a piece/bit of 25.4 Agreement
plural subjects; plural form and group nouns 25.5 Nominalisation
making verbs/verb phrases into nouns/noun phrases

26 Possessives and compound nouns (Diagnostic test 26, page 35)
26.1 Form and meaning
possessive forms; rules 26.2 The genitive ('s) or of structure
which form to use 26.3 Specifying or classifying possessives and compound nouns
sports shop

27 Pronouns (Diagnostic test 27, page 36)
27.1 Personal pronouns
omission of pronouns; subject or object forms; one; etc. 27.2 Reflexive and reciprocal
-self/-selves; each other/one another 27.3 'Impersonal' pronouns
use of you/we/they/one 27.4 Indefinite pronouns and adverbs
somebody; anything; no one; etc.

28 Determiners (Diagnostic test 28, page 37)
28.1 Articles
a/the/no article for naming, describing and classifying; etc. 28.2 Demonstratives
this/that/these/those as adjectives and pronouns 28.3 Quantifiers
no; none; half; both; some; all; etc.

29 Prepositions (Diagnostic test 29, page 38)
29.1 Introduction
basic information; preposition or adverb? 29.2 Meaning and use
prepositions of position, movement, time, reason; etc. 29.3 Prepositional phrases
formation; stranded prepositions

30 Word order and verb patterns (Diagnostic test 30, page 39)
30.1 Word order in English
subject-verb-object word order and variations 30.2 Verb patterns
verb + complement; verb + prepositional phrase; etc.
30.3 Linking clauses
coordination; subordination

31 Relatives clauses (Diagnostic test 31, page 40)
31.1 Relative clauses
subject/object relatives; defining/non-defining relatives; etc. 31.2 Relative pronouns and adverbs
who, etc; modifying pronouns; whichever, etc.

32 Contrast (Diagnostic test 32, page 41)
32.1 Conjunctions of contrast
but; while; although; yet; etc. 32.2 Prepositions of contrasts
Despite; in spite of 32.3 Adverbs of contrast
however; nevertheless; even so, still; etc.

33 Introductory there and it (Diagnostic test 33, page 42)
33.1 Introductory there as 'empty' subject; there + be 33.2 Introductory/impersonal it
.as 'empty' subject; introducing certain topics; describing impersonal/general feelings; using it in discourse

34 Emphatic Structures and inversion (Diagnostic test 34, page 43)

34.1 Cleft sentences
Zack was the guy who told us.
34.2 Fronting
that I disagree with; attracted to the roof was an aerial 34.3 Inversion
little did we realise; never have I seen; so are we

35 Aspects of cohesion (Diagnostic test 35, page 44)

35.1 Types of text reference
substitution; ellipsis; anaphoric and cataphoric reference
35.2 Substitution
substituting nouns, verbs, clauses
35.3 Ellipsis
omitting nouns, pronouns, verbs, infinitives and wh- clauses

36 Features of discourse (Diagnostic test 36, page 45)
36.1 Ordering information
the information principle; the end-weight principle; etc. 36.2 Discourse devices
types of linking; reference; parallelism

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