Race, Culture, and Identities in Second Language Education : Exploring Critically Engaged Practice / edited by Ryuko Kubota and Angel Lin.
Collaborateur(s) : Kubota, Ryuko | Lin, Angel.
Éditeur : New York, NY : Routledge, 2009Description :322 p. ; ill. ; 23 cm.ISBN : 9780415995078 (pbk).Sujet(s) : English language -- Study and teaching as a second language -- Social aspects | Second language acquisition -- Social aspects | Discrimination in education | EthnicityClassification CDD :428.0/4089 Ressources en ligne : Publisher's Website. | Check the UO Library catalog.Type de document | Site actuel | Collection | Cote | Numéro de copie | Statut | Date d'échéance | Code à barres |
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CR Julien-Couture RC (Teaching) General Stacks | Non-fiction | MET KUB (Parcourir l'étagère) | 1 | Disponible | A029739 |
1. Race, Culture, and Identities in Second Language Education : Introduction to Research and Practice / Ryuko Kubota and Angel Lin
Part 1 - Interrogating Whitness
2. Unpacking White Racial Identity inn English Language Teacher Education / Tonda Liggett
3. The Ideal English Speaker : A Juxtaposition of Globalization and Language Policy in South Korea and Racialized Language Attitudes in the United States / Rachel A. Grant and Incho Lee
4. Construction of Racial Stereotypes in English as a Foreign Language (EFL) Textbooks : Images as Discourse / Cosette Taylor- Mendes
"It:s Not Them; It's Not Their Fault" : Manifestations of Racism in the Schooling of Latinas/os and ELLs / Sherry Marx
Part 2 - Racializing Discourse and Identity Construction in Educational Settings
6. Uninhabitable Identifications : Unpacking the Production of Racial Difference in TESOL Classroom / Constance Ellwood
7. Understanding the Racialized Identities of Asian Students in Predominantly White Schools / Lan Hue Quach, Ji-Yeon O. JO, and Luis Urrieta, JR.
8. Classroom Positionings and Children's Construction of Linguistics and Racial Identities in English-Dominant Classrooms / Laurie Katz and Christina Dasilva Iddings
9. Race and Technology in Teacher Education : Where Is The Access / Francis Bangou and Shelley Wong
10. Operating Under Erasure : Race/Language/Identity / Awad Ibrahim
Part 3 - Toward a Dialectic of Critically Engaged Praxis
11. Colorblind Nonaccommodative Denial : Implications for Teachers' Meaning Perspectives Toward their Mexican-American English Learners / Socorro Herrera and Amanda Rodriguez Morales
12. Transforming the Curriculum of NNESTs : Introduction Critical Language Awarness (CLA) in a Teacher Education Program / Carmen Chacon
13. Narratives in the Wild : Unpacking Critical Race Theory Methodology for Early Childhood Bilingual Education / Sara Michael-Luna
14. Linguicism and Race in the United States : Impact on Teacher Edication from Past to Present / Theresa Austin
15. Un/Marked Pedagogies : A Dialogue on Race in EFL and ESL settings / Eve Haque and Brian Morgan
16. Race and Language as Capital in School : A Sociological Template for Language-Education Reform / Allan Luke
"The concept and construct of race is often implicitly yet profoundly connected to issues of culture and identity. Meeting an urgent need for empirical and conceptual research that specifically explores critical issues of race, culture, and identities in second language education, the key questions addressed in this groundbreaking volume are these: How are issues of race relevant to second language education? How does whiteness influence students' and teachers' sense of self and instructional practices? How do discourses of racialization influence the construction of student identities and subjectivities? How do discourses on race, such as colorblindness, influence classroom practices, educational interventions, and parental involvement? How can teachers transform the status quo? Each chapter is grounded in theory and provides implications for engaged practice. Topics cover a wide range of themes that emerge from various pedagogical contexts. Authors from diverse racial/ethnic/cultural backgrounds and geopolitical locations include both established and beginning scholars in the field, making the content vibrant and stimulating. Pre-reading Questions and Discussion Questions in each chapter facilitate comprehension and encourage dialogue.
" / "Le concept et la construction de la race sont souvent implicitement mais profondément liés aux questions de culture et d’identité. Répondant à un besoin urgent de recherche empirique et conceptuelle qui explore spécifiquement les questions cruciales de la race, de la culture et des identités dans l’éducation en langue seconde, les questions clés abordées dans ce volume révolutionnaire sont les suivantes : En quoi les questions de race sont-elles pertinentes pour l’enseignement de la langue seconde? Comment la blancheur influence-t-elle le sens de soi et les pratiques pédagogiques des élèves et des enseignants? Comment les discours de racialisation influencent-ils la construction des identités et des subjectivités des étudiants? Comment les discours sur la race, comme la daltonisation, influencent-ils les pratiques en classe, les interventions éducatives et la participation des parents? Comment les enseignants peuvent-ils transformer le statu quo? Chaque chapitre est fondé sur la théorie et fournit des implications pour la pratique engagée. Les sujets couvrent un large éventail de thèmes qui émergent de divers contextes pédagogiques. Les auteurs de diverses origines raciales/ethniques/culturelles et de divers lieux géopolitiques comprennent des chercheurs établis et débutants dans le domaine, ce qui rend le contenu dynamique et stimulant. Questions préparatoires et questions de discussion dans chaque chapitre facilitent la compréhension et encouragent le dialogue."
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